Chapter 15

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Age: 18

After I finally escaped mister Thomas's long conversation, I hit the streets of Boston in search of answers. Nicole was still at home and she specifically told me, "don't go too far." Who is she to tell me what to do? I already let her drag me here. Now she's my mother? Nicole won't kill me, so I can go as far as I want to. I'm not gonna wander off too far though, but not because she said so...

I'm really in no shape to fight multiple red coats, so I better pick them one by one. I scaled the side of cafe, perched myself on to the chimney. Mr. Thomas's house was still in sight, only a couple of blocks away. I turned my head to the left and spotted a lone soldier, brushing himself up against a frightened woman in an alley. "Perfect " I mumbled. 

As I approach the unhappy couple, the lady made sure to catch my eye. I raised both hands up to show I meant no harm. I grabbed the red coat's arm and twisted it behind his back. He howled in pained as I lead him further down the down the alley. The woman thanked me and scampered off in the opposite direction. 

I drove my forearm into his chest and pinned him against the wall. "What do you know about Norman Tillard?" The soldier gave a cheeky smile and spat in my face. I wiped it off with my free hand and grabbed him roughly by his collar. "I tried asking nicely." I flicked my wrist and held the hidden blade to his throat.

"Hold on, hold on! Don't kill me, please" he pleaded.

"I don't have time for games." I roughed him up more and drew my blade closer.

"I have a family! I have a family!"

A family? Then why was he about cheat on his wife? I retracted my blade. "Is that true?" He nodded his head quickly.

"I guess you'll have a headstart in reaching the afterlife then!" I revealed my blade once more an he sang his heart out.

"He over looks a fort in the Frontier! I heard he's planning on taking over the the whole area! He didn't have enough man power, so he arranged for a meeting!" 

"With who exactly?" I tightened my grip and a sharp stinging sensation ran through my rib cage. My vision blurred and I was forced to let go. The soldier fell to the ground, scrambled to his feet and ran out of the alley.

I clutched my side and took slow deep breaths. The pain subsided and my vision returned, but my only lead was gone.

A hooded figure stood at the exit. It was just staring at me and didn't move muscle. It looked..... Female? I don't know, but whoever he or she was they started making their way towards me. As the person got closer, I started to notice familiar facial features. Nicole unhooded herself, allowing her curls to fill the hood.

"Why are you just standing here?"

She was wearing an assassin robe. Navy blue trimmings with black as it's primary color. Her belt had the assassin insignia in the middle, with a albino white cloth wrapped around her waist. It hung off to the side on her thigh. Nicole was not wearing assassin robes when we left. 

"Where did you get that robe?" 

Nicole looked over her maturing body and smiled. "My father gave it to me. There were loads of stuff on it, so I made few changes to appear more feminine. Why? Does it look bad?" 

"N-no you look- The robe looks great." The stinging pain in my side came back quickly. I tried keeping a straight face to hide it, but Nicole saw right through it. "Before, you say anything else... I had one."

"Had what?" 

"A lead. Unfortunately he got away, before I could get what I was looking for."

"You mean the red coat?"

"Y-yeah how did you know?"

"On my way here, he saw me and yelled, 'A guy name Hershel Walker from Boston, don't kill me'." I repeated the name to myself over and over. Didn't ring any bells. Was he a Templar? He must be, only they know what an Assassin is.

"I guess I'm going to New York" I said taking my hand from my side.

"I'm coming with you."

I couldn't help, but light up with a smile. I don't know why it surprised me so much. It really means a lot, knowing she wants to accompany me to New York. She could've did anything. Maybe find Connor and assist him. She even could've did something on her own...

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I mean who else is going to have your back? You're still hurt.." I heard a worry some tone in her voice.

"Yeah, but I know Connor is somewhere around the city. Maybe it'll be best if you-"

"No, I'm going with you. Unless you don't want me to?"

"No no no I do" I said quickly.

"Good. Now how are we going to get there?"

"I know for sure, I'm not going on anymore ships. I'm kind of over the whole ship raid thing now" I said scratching the back of my head.

"Well, horseback it is then."

"Shall we get going? It'll be days before we arrive in New York. The faster we get there, the faster we can get settled and get a plan together."

Nicole nodded in agreement. "Well... Let's get some supplies and we'll leave immediately" she responded.

<I probably could've added this chapter to 14 since it's short, my mistake. I hope you enjoyed it! Vote/Comment/Share>

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