Chapter 11

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"H-how did you get pass the guards?!" Joe eyed Nicole while his buddies scowled at me.

"I guess they had better things to do" she responded. "I came for my bow and that's it. Now where is it?!"

"What makes you think I'll just hand it to you?"

Nicole snickered and shook her head. "You see, my friend here could just shoot an arrow in your heart, neck, or forehead take your pick. We could take it that way or-"

"Yeah? Or what?"

"We can all be civilized, I get my bow, and act like this had never happened."

"After all this you really think we will just let you two off the hook?!" "Don't just stand there....KILL THEM!"

At Joe's command Brad and Mike charged at me. I quickly shot an arrow right between Mike's eyes. I figured killing the brute first would make this fight A LOT easier.

I was right, Brad had nothing for me. Every slash or jab he threw at me with his bayoneted rifle, I parried and side stepped. I was completely toying with the man.

I glanced over my shoulder surprised that Nicole held her own against Joe. He quickly got the upper hand when he managed to get a hand around her neck.

Brad gritted his teeth and lunged at me once more. I caught the barrel with my left hand, spun to the right and split his neck open.

I pulled out my shiv and rushed over to aid Nicole. She landed a strong knee to Joe's gut, causing him to bend over in pain. Without hesitation I kicked him in his rib cage, flipping him onto his side.

I kneeled next to him piercing his jugular with the tip of my hidden blade. Thick, rich blood trickled onto it. "Argh! It's in the supply closet" he grunted.

"That wasn't so hard" I said. I dug my blade a bit deeper. More liquid spurted out. His mouth filled with blood.

"Y-you'll pay for this" he gargled as he spoke. "I-I...r-remem...y-you."

"Something tells me you won't." I drove my blade as far as it would let me. Joe's eyes widened until the gleam turned into a cold death stare.

I snatched my blade back and it retracted into the slot. I closed his eyes and stared at his corpse. "Rest in peace" I whispered. I stood up and felt Nicole's eyes follow every muscle in my body that moved.

"Go get your bow, we need to leave....quickly."

She jogged over to the closet and started rummaging through the pile. I peeked outside the door, bodies laid lifeless throughout the yard. "Nicole. Any day now would be great."

I kept my eyes darting all around the courtyard. I hor no one decides to do any surprise visits. They'll get a surprise alright.

"Shouldn't it be on top of everything?"

"Yeah, but there's a lot of stuff I can use in here" she responded.

I'm starting to think Connor got the better deal. He's probably sitting at a table eating a well prepared feast, meanwhile I have already killed 4 people.

"Alright, let's go."

"Finally." I turned around to see Nicole wearing a sleek metallic red utility belt with pouches and slings on it. 3 knives were strapped in on both sides. She even had a flintlock pistol on her right thigh.

I assumed her pouches were filled with ammunition and other weapons she had found. "So, what do you think?" Nicole flicked her wrist and the hidden blade exposed itself and retracted.

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