Chapter 8

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~The Roaring Sea~
~Age: 14~

     Connor told me what happened at the square. After he spoiled the mysterious man's plans by killing him, Charles Lee fired the shot that triggered the massacre. Then our father, Haythem, sent red coats to kill him. That explained why they chased me, mistaking me for my brother.

That girl, how did she kill that red coat? I know for a fact I heard the slick sound of metal. I couldn't recall seeing what she killed him with. I wish I knew her name... I paced back and forth in my somewhat spacious cabin room. I plopped on the bed, then quickly hopped back to my feet.

I leaned against the wall and immediately returned to pacing. I couldn't get comfortable anywhere. I slowly made my way over to the bed yet again; It felt much comfier this time. When I finally managed to settle down, the boat shook violently. I heard the captain's voice ring in my ears. "Prepare for combat men!"

Combat? We're at sea, who would attack us in the middle of the ocean? The captain's second in command kicked open my door. He held a bloody sword in his right hand. His trifold hat was cut nearly in half and his yellow teeth were clenched.

"Get off your ass! Come help us cut down every last one of them!"

I scrambled to my feet and clumsily drew my tomahawk from my belt. As soon as I stepped out of the doorway, one of our shipmates fell from the upper deck. He landed hard on his back with a sword lodged in his stomach.

He looked at me with blood bubbling in his mouth. The guy tried his best to speak but coughed up crimson red blood. In the end, he couldn't avoid the inevitable and laid lifeless at my feet. Snapping out of my gaze, I saw Connor rush across the boat parrying attacks and dishing out some of his own.

I took off in a quick sprint while drawing my tomahawk. It was an all-out war on the ship. Screams, bombs, and swords clanging against swords blocked my hearing. Blood spatter flew in all directions hitting me in the face and landing on my boots. I was almost near Connor when a cannon struck the side of the ship again. I lost my balance and was tackled from my blindside.

I hit my head on the wooden pole and my vision blurred. Of course, it was a red coat, the man stood over me with his boot pressed on my throat. My tomahawk was no longer in my hand. I used all of my strength to try and pry his boot away, but the impact from the pole was still in effect.

"You are scum! You and all your people!" The red coat pressed down harder on my windpipe. I saw my tomahawk out of my peripheral vision and I grabbed it. I chopped at his ankle, causing him to fall on the deck.

I quickly got up holding my throat. We stared each other down and the soldier pretty much begged me not to kill him just through eye contact. My tomahawk sliced cleanly through his jugular, squirting blood on my face. Two more red coats approached me, sword held firmly in their hands with hate on their faces.

I backed up into a pole, my vision was still a little fuzzy from earlier. The red coat to the left charged at me swinging his weapon wildly. I ducked and rolled out of the way, then struck my tomahawk into his rib cage.

He dropped to the ground yelling in pain, quickly out of the fight. His buddy lunged with more precision, but I managed to intercept his slash and kick him in the chest. The red coat stumbled backward, brushing off the kick.

A sly grin appeared on his face while he twirled his sword. By his demeanor, I sensed he wasn't a typical foot soldier. He was much stronger and experienced. His attack came swifter than before. I jumped to the side barely avoiding a jab to the stomach.

I leaped over a sword sweep at my ankles. He quickly followed up with an elbow that hit its mark in my stomach. The red coat grabbed my shirt then crashed his head into my lip. I tasted my blood and another headbutt hit the bridge of my nose.

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