Chapter 10

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We pushed and weaved our way through the crowd as we tailed them throughout the streets of Boston.

The they made a few stops, but each stop wasn't a good time to confront them. I've never followed someone for so long in my life.

While we followed, Nicole and I talked a bit. We have to do something to pass the time. "So where did you disappear off to? If you don't mind me asking..."

I stayed silent for awhile, not knowing how to answer. "I had to leave, our ship ride home was taking off" I responded.

She raised an eyebrow at me at me. "Really?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "yes really."

She pressed her lips together and nodded her head. "I guess whenever a gun is fired it's time for you to go. I figured you wasn't from here or any city. And our?"

I scratched my head, she sure is aware of things. "Our as in my brother and I"

"You have a brother?"

I nodded my head. "I would like to meet him one day."

"Oh, you will. He might be on a wanted poster soon."

She snickered and rolled her eyes. "Where did you learn to fight?"

"In my village. It's necessary to learn to fight, to survive."

"Village? Are you a Native?"

I nodded my head slowly, unsure of how she will react. "What a coincidence..... I-I am too. Well, my mother is from Kanien."

The name of the village caught me by surprise. "My brother and I are from Kanien" I said happily.

"You can't be serious" she giggled.
"Small world huh?"

I nodded my head, whatever that meant. "Why do you live here in Boston?" We pushed our way through more people. We were starting to get dirty looks from everyone around us.

"My mom moved here before I was born. My dad have never told me why... I assume it was to live with my father."

We stopped tailing the soldiers when they greeted their fellow red coats and walked into a square fortress.

"You still want your bow?"

"Of course I do, but..."

"It's okay if you're scared. I'll go in myself and get it."

"You didn't let me finish. I want to get my bow, but I don't want to kill anyone."

I eyed the two brute soldiers guarding the entrance. "It looks like we might have too. This base is probably heavily fortified, it would be a long shot to go stealthily.... I'm still in training myself in fact." She nodded her head.

"You think you can distract those guards?"

"On it" she responded hastily. Nicole walked right in front of the guards no hesitation. "Civilians aren't suppose to be within 100 yards of the fort" one of them said.

Nicole looked around slowly, acting completely clueless. "Huh? What fort?"

The two guards exchanged looks. "The fort you're looking at numbskull."

"Oh this? That's not a fart silly heads" she giggled. The red coats pushed forward and abandoning their posts. I quickly made my way over toward the fort avoiding detection.

The soldiers readied their weapons, holding them point blank in her face. I could just sneak in right now, but if I do that then Nicole....

Ugh, why couldn't she just wait. "Girl, I'm giving you to the count of three, to get the hell the out of here."

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