Chapter 4

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     We journeyed through the forest for hours upon hours and after leaving sometime in the evening, nightfall was nearly among us. My brother and I avoided all wildlife, he didn't want to waste any time or extra energy in fighting. My feet ached through my boots, my hand had started to get calluses, and I was losing the strength to press on.

We constantly took different routes, on the ground, on top of the trees, or swimming in the water. Ratonhnhake:ton was so eager to find this symbol, he didn't even allow me to stop and take a break. Whenever I did, he would give me a long speech about how me sitting down, is helping the outsiders become stronger. Then he would bring up revenge on Charles Lee and his group of friends.

He was so fixated on getting revenge... Honestly, I'm not seeking vengeance. I just want answers. Lee may be responsible for our mother's death, and our people, but there has to be more to it.  I stared at Ratonhnhake:ton's back as he leaped from branch to branch. I followed every move he made, with every leap draining my energy.

"Keep up Yaakova. You've slowed down, we probably could've found the symbol by now," he said.

"No one told you to push yourself any more than I am. We're going to find it, there's no need to kill ourselves in the process," I snapped. He looked back at me and sighed.

"We have a chance to find them and fight back. Everything is riding on us finding that symbol the spirit showed us, but you're right we need to take it easy." Ratonhnhake:ton climbed down from the tree, "we'll just walk from here."

I hopped down, not trying to show how glad I was to be walking again.

"Out of the way!" An old scratchy voice yelled out. We moved aside, allowing the man riding his horse to pass by. A few seconds later, two more guys also riding horses, were chasing after him.

"I wish we had horses," I complained. My brother laughed and lightly punched my arm. We continued until we stopped at a wooden bridge with two guys looking at a wrecked wagon and talking amongst themselves.

One of them glared at us before speaking, "you two look like them native people. From that um..." his voice trailed off. He began to scratch the scalp on his bald head.

I crossed my arms and pressed my lips together. This should be fun to watch him struggle and come up with something ridiculous.

"Iroquois Tribe? Yeah, that's what it's called!" I nearly reached for my bow, when Ratonhnhake:ton signaled me to stop.

The other man smacked him on his back, "no you idiot, that's not even a tribe, Terry."

"Is so!" Terry snapped back.

"Is not!"

Terry scratched his head again and looked down.

"Sorry for this goof over here, he means well." I looked him up and down and followed my brother in crossing the bridge. I heard them two still arguing in the distance, then later followed by what sounded like a fight.

Out of pure boredom, I focused on the forest ahead and noticed something that looked very familiar.

"Over there, Ratonhnhake:ton!" I tapped him on his chest and pointed at an old white and burgundy brick house. He focused on the manor and his face lit up with a grin.

"That's the symbol on top of it!" He yelled. We took off in a hurried sprint, relieved that we didn't have to keep searching anymore.

We made it to the stone steps of the front door. Ratonhnhake:ton wasted no time in knocking. After a couple of minutes went by he knocked again. The doorknob rattled before it swung open. A well dressed old man answered the door with a scowl on his face.

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