Chapter 19

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March, 1775
Age: 19
Location: New York

4 Months Later...

Without much of any suspicious activity, Nicole and I had a pretty boring 4 months. We just took to raiding forts whenever we got the chance, in hopes of getting Hershel's attention.

As for our friendship, it's gotten back to where it was before. Not to say it didn't take a weird turn, but that's in the past. Right now we are focusing on Hershel Walker.

I browsed the wall, stock full of clothing dye. I've decided maybe I should change the color of my robes. As I examined the albino white color, I picked up on a conversation between the clerk and an elderly woman.

"Oh my, what a fine young man he looks to be" the elder said.

"Mother, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested in dating right now."

"Oh shush girl, don't be a such a sap."

"I'm not mom. I-I just don't think he would be into me okay." I glanced in their direction and the elderly woman smiled.

"Mom no, stop it" she said in loud a whisper.

"What a son-in-law he would make huh?" The elderly woman laughed and the young woman just rolled her eyes. "What is there to be afraid of? You are a beautiful young lady. And get your looks from me Claire."

"No, he wouldn't want to talk to me. I mean look at me, I'm in my work clothes." She tried to walk to the back, but her mother grabbed her shoulders and turned her around.

"You need to get out the house and have fun. When I was your age, I had the time of my life. Men, parties, and drinks." The elder combed her fingers through Claire's wavy brunette hair.

"I wouldn't know what to say. I wouldn't even know how to approach him. He looks no older than 18 mom. I-"

"Listen to me Claire. Why don't you go help him decide on a color to pick?" The elderly woman made little adjustments to Claire's clothes and she made her way over to me.

"I can't believe I'm getting tips on how to talk to men by my mother" she whispered to herself. I picked up two different colors of dye and pretend to make a choice.

"Do you by any chance, need any help?" Claire stood right next to me, with a friendly smile on her face. I returned the smile and placed the dye back to their original spots.

"Oh, I was only looking, but I'm open to any suggestions."

"Okay well uh...let's see here...." She looked at me, then at the various colors of dye. Claire shook her head and mouthed words to herself.

"So, are you picking something up for your mother?"

"My mom?"

She looked at me with her widened hazel eyes. "No, I didn't mean it like that! I-" she sighed. "I'm not really good at this" she chuckled.

"At you're job or..." I laughed, she giggled and waved me off. "Whatever" she added.

I held out my hand. "I don't believe I got you're name. Yaakova Kenway." Claire shook my hand and smiled.

"Claire Walsh. Well someone has manners, considering how young you appear to be." I scratched the back of my head.

"I am young, 19 to be exact. You don't look too old yourself Miss Walsh. Dare I ask?"

"22 Mr. Kenway." Claire looked me up and down.

"See something you like?" I have to admit, Claire was giving off very positive vibes. She had me feeling a little flirtatious. This was the first time a female was noticeably forward with me.

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