Chapter 16

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We decided to just get a carriage.  Traveling almost non stop we took turns driving during nightfall, while the other got some rest in the carriage. The few lanterns I used barely lit up the road in front of me, but it was enough to see where I was going.

It was a scary quiet night, sort of like it's been for the past 11 days. Once you get used to tree branches shaking, grass rustling, and forest animals making noises we were pretty much alone. The pain in my ribs was completely gone. Now I could feel more confident just in case someone tried something.

My eyes were heavy, and swollen from the lack of sleep. The idea of us rotating shifts started off well. As the days went by, we slowly lost the amount of time actually slept. It finally caught up to us, and we were both worn out. I offered to take an extended shift, so Nicole can get a good amount of sleep.

I pulled the carriage over, and parked it in between two trees. I wasn't going to risk falling asleep with the reigns in my hands. I climbed in the carriage, where Nicole slept on her right side. Her back was turned away from the front of the carriage. I positioned myself back to back with her and quickly fell asleep.

The beaming sunlight peered through the window. I could literally see it through my closed eyes. The carriage was moving... I felt behind me and Nicole wasn't there. I opened the door and shimmied on the side of the cart.

I plopped down beside her and she smiled instantly. "Sleep okay?"

"Uh, yeah I did. I really needed it."

"Yeah, no doubt." Nicole whipped the horses and it sped up. "How long before we arrive in New York?"

I looked over at nothing in particular. "I don't know... Another day maybe." Nicole pressed her lips together and nodded. I wasn't in any rush to get to New York actually. I still haven't figured out where we will sleep, while we stay there. Maybe an Inn... There's hardly any privacy and it's never quiet during the day, so looking forward to that.

This being my first time, I don't know anyone who lives here. Nicole doesn't either, at least no one that she told me about. There was an awkward silence between us. Off in the distance I saw another carriage. Danger ran through my mind and a quick memory of my run-in with the Templar played over and over.

"Speed up a bit, I wanna uuh, ask them how much further ahead New York is." Nicole gave the horses three good whips and they took off. The wheels rumbled and bumbled down the dirty rocky road.

She pulled up to the left side of their carriage. I had my hidden blade ready at my side. Once I saw they were just two ordinary guys, it slid back into place. Nicole smacked my shoulder and gave me smug look.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. How far is New York from here?"

The man closest to me, was clearly startled by our presence and looked over at his friend nervously. His scruffy beard and mustache, took the attention away from his spotty bald head. Even though he was seated, you can tell he had a few pounds on him. By a few I mean a bit....and by a bit I mean a lot.

The two looked to be simple merchants if anything. "Oh, no bother a' all! Nuh York is just about half a mile ahead. Ya can't miss it!"

"Thank you."

"My pleasure! Yah!" He whipped the horse and they sped ahead. Kicking up dust in their wake. Well then....they took off in a hurry. I leaned back and folded my arms over my chest. Out the corner of my eye, Nicole stared at me.

I sighed... "What?"

"The hidden blade. What was that about?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked forward.

"Just in case they were Templars or something" I responded.

"We will get Walker. Once we get some information on his whereabouts and set up a few plans, then we'll strike" she said.

I sneered and shook my head. "If only it was that simple Nicole. We would have to get the people he trust the most. His muscle, the markets, lieutenants, and officers. Once we knock them off one by one, or two by two, he will notice. It would draw him out, when he starts to view us as a threat to their order."

"But, where would we find a private secure place to plan?"

"Right now, I can only think of getting a room at an Inn to start off with. Its not much privacy, but I'm sure we can get some use out of it."

"Probably" she added.

"You don't mind driving the rest of the way there? I need time to think and relax to myself" I said.

"Sure" she responded.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I shimmied on the side and laid down once I was inside. I really just wanted to nap until we get there. Maybe I'll get an idea from my dreams or something. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I exhaled slowly and started drifting off...

<Really short chapter. I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing. The story will progress pretty slow right now, but once I string some ideas together it will pick up. Hope you enjoy!>

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