Chapter 17

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Age: 18
New York

"Of course they only have 1 room left. What if I wanted to sleep in my underwear for a night or two?" Nicole threw her hood back and plopped down in the bed. She rubbed her hands across the blankets, then frowned as she look at her palm.

I strolled over to the window, it was slightly raised at a diagonal angel. "I wouldn't mind if you sleep in your underwear" I said struggling to push it down.

"Not funny. You would like that huh?"

The window snapped down and dust flew into air. I wiped my hands off on my pants and fanned the air around me. "You didn't hear anything from me" I said laughing. "How about I sleep in my boxers, so you won't feel alone."

She quickly rolled her eyes with a soft smile. "Ha, mhm" she responded. Nicole kicked her boots off, interlocked her finger and put them behind her head. She relaxed on the bed and stretched out her legs. Nicole sighed, "you're a guy anyway, so..."

I push my hood back and folded my arms "Meaning?"

She turned her head towards me and met my eyes. She blinked hard twice and snickered. "Meaning. If I did anything of the sort, it might....trigger something. That's all I'm saying."

I nodded my head and pressed my lips together. "Oh okay, I see."

"Now you get it" she said with her eyes closed. 

"Why are you getting so comfortable? We just got here?"

"No offense Yaakova, but I've been driving since early this morning. Its late noon and I'm tired. Tomorrow, we can hit it hard."

"Fair enough" I responded. I headed for the door, I wanted to look around the city for a bit.

"Can you do me a big favor?"

I turned around and nodded. "Can you bring back some food. I'm sick of eating sandwiches."

I tilted my head and squinted my eyes.

"Please.." Nicole's soft voice made me want to do anything for her. No matter what it was, but this... This is something couples do... Right? Specifically the boyfriend. I'm an Assassin not a delivery boy. I tossed the thought to the back of my mind. Like always, I'm over thinking things.

"Sure, will do."

"Is it time already? It seems so early" the clerk in the weapons store said as two red coats walked into the door. They had their hands on their cutlass sword, ready to use it at a moment's notice. The more physically built soldier stood at the entrance.

I pretended to talk to a near by customer, so I can listen to the conversation. "Mr. Walker would like the usual. We're running through our supplies pretty quickly." My eyes widened at the mention of his name.

Judging by the tone of the clerk's voice, he was scared shitless. I eased down closer toward the counter. The red coat at the counter turned his head my way and I quickly picked up a dagger from the wall. I examined it, while keeping an eye on them.

"B-but, we gave you everything you wanted last week. How can it be disappearing so fast?"

"I don't know, maybe you should take it upon yourself to have a chat with Hershel on the matter."

"U-uh that won't be necessary" the clerk responded in a rush.

"I thought so... Now go fetch Dudley and tell him to throw in the special thing."

"Y-yes, be right back sir."

'The special thing' I said under my breath. What the hell is that? Just who is Hershel Walker?

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