Chapter 20

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Age: 19
Location: Templar Callahan's Stronghold

5 Days Later...

We hid in the branches of a huge  oak tree, the lively green leaves gave us more than enough cover to come up with our final plan to kill Callahan. Nicole and I stealthily slaughtered our way through the courtyard. After clearing out the neighboring houses, only one remained unchecked.

She had laid out the plan to me on our way her, so far the plan went well with no bumps in the road. Nicole was very well prepared for this mission. If all goes according to plan, she will deal the final blow.

I questioned "how many?" Nicole crouched down and squinted her eyes at the manor across the way. The two story house looked to be 50 to 100 meters out.

"2 guarding the front door....3 on the bottom floor in the living room....2 more in the windows up top. All of them appeared to be foot soldiers. I couldn't get eyes on Callahan."

I crouched down next to her, checking out the house for myself. I didn't see anyone with the demeanor or clothing of a high ranking soldier. It'll be a little difficult locating him, if we didn't spot him already. I looked over at her, she bit her lip and shook her head.

I asked, "what do you suggest?" She stood up and checked her waist belt.

"Do you have any smoke bombs left?"

I shook my head, "I'm all out." She pulled off one smoke bomb from her belt and gave me a weary look. I knew we had to make this one count. I checked my ammo for my flintlock pistol, fully loaded. "I have plenty ammo for my guns."

She thought for second and shook her head. "If we go loud, he will definitely make a run for it. Stealth is our primary and only goal."

"Let's take out the two guarding the door, you take the left and I'll take the right. Then we'll use the smoke bomb to take out the 3 on the bottom floor." I waited for an answer.

She stood up and pulled her hood over her head. "Sounds good" she responded. I descended from the tree, sprinting towards the right side of the manor. I took cover on side of the house a few feet from the front door.

The soldier were as stiff as a rock, their eyes moved slightly surveying the courtyard. I peeped my head around to see if Nicole had made it to her spot. Soon enough her cheek and eye appeared from behind the corner of the opposite side.

She nodded her head, I quickly ran from the corner to jab my blade in the nearest red coat's neck. I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him around the corner, away from any wandering soldier eyes from inside.

We crouched under the windows and met up at the door. She pulled off her smoke bomb and pointed at me, then at the door.

Nicole knocked on the wood and held the bomb tightly in her right hand. I unhooked my tomahawk from my waist and readied it. As soon as the door cracked open she tossed the smoke bomb inside.

I grabbed the red coat by his ankle and flipped him on his back. The smoke bomb went off and Nicole stepped over the red coat, making her way inside.

I finished off the guy and followed in after her. I trailed off to the left, where a red coat stood in the kitchen gun ready in his hand. I killed him silently and turned around to check for more. The smoke cleared a few seconds later, revealing Nicole and I as the only two living things downstairs.

Once again, I followed her lead up the stairs into a dimly lit hallway. There were 2 doors on the right and one on the left. Nicole took the first door on the right. While I went into the second room.

I turned the door knob as quietly as I could and peeped inside. Empty. We rendezvoused in the hallway, ready to clear this last door between us and Callahan. Assuming she took care of the last two soldiers. "After you" I motioned courteously.

Nicole kicked in the door, drawing her pistol in an instant. Callahan scrambled from the bed, to the counter where his golden trimmed pistol laid. "Ah ah ah! Stay right there." Nicole held the gun a few feet from his forehead.

I stood behind her with my arms folded across my chest. I pulled up a chair and sat down nonchalantly. Callahan stood there with fear in his eyes, his lips trembling and knees nearly buckling.

"Pull yourself together, you're not dead yet" she said. The Templar remained a mute. She held the pistol up and walked back toward the counter, her eyes were locked on to him.

"I think, I'll take this off your hands. It suits me much better, don't you think?" The red coat spat at her feet, "filthy Assassin."

She walked closer, the tip of the barrel now touched right under his chin. "I'm feeling a little trigger happy" she whispered. "You know why I'm here, so let's get right to it. Hershel Walker, start singing." She nudged the barrel harder into his throat.

Callahan clinched his teeth and showed a sinister smile. "I'll rather kill myself than squeal." Nicole pulled back the pin, "I will gladly do it for you."

With a loud bang, and a puff of gun powder Callahan's head snapped back. He bounced off the bed and slump down. She tossed her pistol into the corpse's lap and tucked her new pistol into her waist belt.

"You weren't kidding when you said 'trigger happy' huh?" I went over to loot the body, hoping to find something to help our search for Walker.

"Hershel must be one hell of a grand master. These Templars are loyal to him no matter what. Wait, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a letter of some sort. Maybe, just maybe, every high ranking Templar received a letter from their majesty" I responded as I dug in his pockets, including coat pockets. "Damn, nothing."

I stood up and pulled my hood off. I put my hands on my hips, threw my head back and sighed. "If I don't get Butch to tell me something useful, then it's back to fort raiding."

Nicole sniffed out his wallet and took out a couple twenties in the process. She threw the wallet on the ground and chuckled. "Well, at least we didn't leave empty handed. I have a shiny new pistol and I made some money. Good day if you ask me."

I pulled out a nice fold of cash. "Same here. I looted nearly every red coat I killed, I was running low on money anyway."

Nicole slipped her hood back and held her mouth open. "You sly dog" she said clearly envying the money I had collected. "Now, let's get the hell out of here" she said looking at Callahan once more before walking past me. "You take the reigns on this one Yaakova" she called out from the hall.

It was high noon, weather was clear and so was the road. Elks and rabbits scampered their way across the road occasionally. Nicole sat up front with me, her hands behind her head and her eyes closed. A gust of wind picked up, giving off a cool breeze.

"What do you know about Butch?"

I pressed my lips together and focused on the road. "Not much in all honesty. It doesn't really matter. He's already good as dead." Nicole stayed quiet, I glanced over in her direction. Her eyes were still closed, but she held a smile.

"Well, we are definitely going to get his attention soon" she spoke up. "How so?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Think about it. Dudley and Callahan have been dealt with. One being a Templar in the order and the other was his best supplier. If all goes well, Butch will be next on the list, another Templar. Wherever and whenever that meeting takes place, they sure won't be there...."


"That will spark some suspicion on Walker's part. Then we should see a spike in Templar activity."

She made some very good points. Seems like this meeting is going to be a pivotal moment for the Templar Order as well as the Assassin Brotherhood....

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