Chapter 23

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Age: 19
Location: New York

Third Person POV

Nicole knew what she was doing was indeed wrong, in every way. She let the curiosity get the better of her, when she normally have the willpower not to give in. Too late, no turning back now she thought.

Nicole's heart rate sped up. She used the rooftops to follow Yaakova. He seemed calm and full of joy. She took notice of the extra hop in his step. Yaakova placed his hands in his pockets walked with his chin up.

Nicole was puzzled. This person he's meeting really have him happy. Who could it be? She couldn't think of anyone? Joey, she thought. No, of course it's not him.

Minutes later Yaakova arrived at a... Tailor shop? He got dressed to come here? Nicole squatted on the roof, fixing her hood. Yaakova then entered the shop.

She was tempted to jump down to get closer, but he came back out just as quick as he went in. His arm was hooked with the arm of a woman. Nicole had never seen her before, nor did Yaakova ever mention her.

The mystery lady had on a navy blue dress with sleeves that came down to her elbows and from the waist down the dress puffed out slightly. Her feet was completely covered, so Nicole couldn't tell what she had on.

What was this feeling she was getting from the sight of them? Was she actually jealous? No, Nicole fought with her thoughts. 'Why do I care? He can do whatever he wants' she said under her breath.

Her eyes followed them until they were out of sight. She had seen more than enough.

Yaakova's POV

The night was filled with a cool breeze that sent chills across my face. To my surprise there were still lots of people out and about.

Claire clutched my arm to get my attention. "Are you okay? You seem to be elsewhere."

"Oh, I'm fine" I replied with a smile.

"Something's on your mind?"

I shook my head. "I'm just admiring this, the people, the atmosphere. It's pretty relaxing." Claire kept quiet for a few seconds.

"If only it was always like this at night. In fact it might be even more dangerous around this time."

"I wouldn't worry about that tonight" I said confidently.

"Why is that?"

"If anything happens, I can hold my own in a fight."

Claire looked down at my waist where my all my usual weapons were strapped. "Yeah, I see that. Which reminds me of what I want to ask you."

"Okay, have at it."

"Where did you learn?"

"I learned from the men in my village, but went on to train with other teachers."

Claire met my eyes, being more so my height. "You're a native?" She asked more calm than surprised.

"You seem so calm about it. Are you a native as well?"

"Um no, not exactly." Claire's race hadn't crossed my mind at all. Mostly because every time I wanted to know more about her, something came up. Achilles always told me, the Brotherhood comes first.

Claire was a tad bit darker than me, but slightly lighter than Achilles. "I'm African American."

"Like Achilles" I responded without thinking.


"My teacher.."

"Oh. Well, you've probably heard different names."

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