Chapter 9

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6 Months Later

     Time sure does fly fast when you're training and have your mind set on becoming an assassin. Achilles rarely left us any leisure time, but when he did we spent our time learning about Templar history.

Connor researched more on our father, but mostly of Charles Lee. Whenever he learned something new, a menacing glare gleamed in his eyes. If it meant our people will be free once we take them out, then I guess that's alright.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours and so forth.


"Just look at her! She's a beauty!"

My brother and I exchanged looks and mouthed the word she. He just shook his and we boarded the Aquila. I looked at the wood, trying to move it. I was checking for any weak spots, considering this ship was recently repaired.

"Oh there is no need for that Yaakova. The Aquila is the best and sturdiest vessel In the ocean." The captain then turns towards Connor. "How about we take her for a spin?"

"Where to?" Connor questioned.

"Well, she needs new cannons and ammunition. We'll leave right now" the captain responded.

4 hours later

The captain guided Connor as he was at the wheel of the ship. We then docked at what I stupidly thought was Boston. The captain lead us to a bar where he chatted with a lady he apparently knew.

"If it isn't Robert Faulkner... Where have you been?" A guy with a drunken raspy voice called out. The captain sat down with the group of aged men and sighed. "Listen here lads, where I was going..I could let you accompany me. So, you two kept yourselves busy?"

"Gods no. Just been between contracts at the moment" the other guy said.

"Great. See I'm looking for officers for my ship. What do you say we work together, for old times sake?"

The man seated across from Robert had a sly grin on his face. "That means we'll be getting into some trouble" he laughed. The raspy toned man eyed me. "Lookey there, your native friend is about to scrap."

I turned around and watched as Connor gripped his tomahawk walking over towards a table with two men. "Where is Lee" he pressured. The guy wearing the powdered wig turned slowly and eyed my brother. "I don't appreciate your tone."

His macho, brute built partner stood up brushing his chest against Connor's. Robert quickly grabbed my brother's shoulder "no no no, we will do none of this."

"So, Faulkner has turned to baby sitting eh? About time you realized you are shit for a sailor" the brute said brushing past Connor. He stiffly walked up to Robert edging on a fight. Robert on the other hand, trying to keep him at bay.

"Hey! No fighting in here" the lady interjected. "Robert you and your buddies get out!"

"Let's go, our guns should be done by now."

Before we made the long trip back to the homestead we docked in Boston. He said he had important matters to attend to, which was fine by me. I'm glad we stopped here. Now I can look for that girl from the square, but where to start?

I can't just show up at her doorstep for 2 reasons. First of all, it's creepy and I don't want her to get the wrong idea. Lastly, its been 6 months since that massacre in Boston and I don't remember exactly where her house was.

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