Chapter 3

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~Kanien'keha:ka Valley~
~Age: 14~

After watching Ratonhnhake:ton fall from the log perched on top of the rocky mountainside, I was done collecting feathers. Luckily there was a pile of leaves to break his fall. We moved on to teaching Kanen'to:kon how to hunt for game in the forest. He caught on pretty quickly but always asked can we quit. We laid down a couple of snares and bait, the basics for any beginner. It's nice to have more of our people hunt, my brother and I do most of the work.

"I think we have enough for today, we should head back to the village," I said.

"I agree, but once again Kanen'to:kon is late," my brother said in frustration. I shook my head and looked around the forest.

"Kanen'to:kon?" Ratonhnhake:ton called out to him but there was no answer.

I looked at my brother and shrugged my shoulders. A few minutes go by and I started to hear heavy footsteps coming our way. I turned around to see Kanen'to:kon running as fast as he could, probably the fastest he ever ran in his life. He brushed past us and didn't look back.

"Damn," we said in unison, surprised at how quickly he moved.

"Watch out Yaakova!" Ratonhnhake:ton yelled.

I jumped back with just enough time to avoid a bear's swipe. The bear stood up on its hind legs before attacking again. I tucked and rolled out of the way. I pulled out my stone tomahawk ready to strike when Ratonhnhake:ton chopped it in the neck two times. The grizzly roared out in rage and m crashed on its side, bleeding out.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. You know I could've killed it myself," I said while strapping my tomahawk to my belt.

He placed his weapon back on his hip, "where do think he ran off to?"

I shrugged my shoulders again "the village would be my guess," I responded. We made our way back to the village, constantly looking over our shoulders.

"I hope this is enough, I don't want the clan mother to send us back to the forest," I said.

Ratonhnhake:ton looked at all of our gatherings "Now that I'm looking at it, I don't think we gathered enough. Kanen'to:kon slowed us down." I could hear the irritation in my brother's voice. We walked in silence for the next few seconds.

"You think the outsiders are that close brother?"

Ratonhnhake:ton nodded his head, "I know they are Yaakova, they wouldn't burn our village down just for their enjoyment. Our people are completely blind to this and that is bad for us all. We must do something, even if it means death." I stayed quiet not knowing how to reply.

Near the entrance gate Kanen'to:kon appeared in sight. He was pacing back and forth, talking to himself. "I-I...was so...You saved my life...Thank you!" Kanen'to:kon said showing his gratitude.

My brother kept a straight face and nodded his head. "We should get back to the clan mother. Hopefully, others will understand why we weren't able to gather a lot." I said sighing.

"That's where you're wrong!" Kanen'to:kon turned around and picked up a nice pile dead hares from a basket.

"What? How?" Ratonhnhake:ton questioned completely taken aback.

"I had two good teachers," he said with a smile. I laughed and patted Kanen'to:kon on his back.


Upon entering the village, our people surrounded the clan mother's tepee. With the village stick in her hands, she slammed it on the ground. The older men looked at us and separated as we made our way to the clan mother. She signaled us in and we slowly walked through the line of hunters. Once we were inside, we all sat down around a warm fire.

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