Chapter 21

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Location: New York

I strolled into Martha's tailor shop. The elder noticed me instantly and greeted me with a smile. Before I approach the counter, she held up one finger and turned her head away.

She called out to her daughter, "Claire dear, someone's here for you." She turned back to me holding her smile. "Oh no no Miss Martha, it's not li-"

"Oh hey Yaakova." Claire appeared from behind the counter wearing her usual work clothes. A red and black checkered collar shirt, with faded blue denim overalls, and brown battered boots.

"Working hard?" Claire gave an weak smile and it quickly vanished. I reached for her forearm and gently touched her. "Is something troubling you?"

She didn't reply. "I'm going for a walk mom. Will you be okay watching the store alone?"

"Yes dear, go right ahead."

"Walk with me?"

It took me awhile to realize it was question. "Yeah sure, after you" I said quickly. We took to the sidewalk and every other step Claire kicked her leg out. She wrapped her arms around her waist, concentrating hard.

"If anyone is bothering you, tell me. I'll make sure they're dealt with accordingly." Claire sighed and shook her head. "No, it's fine. Mom and I are fine its father."

"Oh" I said taken aback by her response. I assumed Claire's father was gone, but apparently not. "Well um... What about him? Has he fallen ill?"

"I shouldn't bother you with my problems. You have your own responsibilities to deal with." She swung her leg out kicking a few to rocks in the process.

"No, please bother me I insist. Maybe I can assist you and your family, that's kind of my thing" I said with a smile.

"Okay.... My father he's a bit rough around the edges. A couples of days ago, he stopped by. It's been years since we've seen him in person. He's always wrote letters instead."

"If your father is here in New York, I don't see why it's taken him as long as he had to see you guys. Did he and Miss Martha split?" Claire shook her head.

"My mother loves him deeply, she tells me nearly everyday. His reason for stopping by showed no emotion at all. He figured I will be able to help him and his company."

"Is that a good thing?"

Claire shrugged her shoulders."That's what I've been trying to figure out for myself. What he requires of something I can't do." I nodded my head. I just didn't understand, but I want to understand.

"Is that.... Joey running towards us?" Claire said squinting her eyes. Joey? Indeed it was the scrawny guy rumbling and stumbling his way through the people on the side walk. He bumped into a heavy set man's shoulder and fell on his back. I face palmed and held in a laugh.

After what seemed like forever, he stopped in front of me completely out of breath. "He'" he said gasping for air between words. Joey grabbed his chest, mouth gaped open.

Claire and I exchanged looks and all I could do was scratch my head. I quizzed, "he who?" Joey stood up straight and swallowed hard. "In the Ale Tavern." I leaned in closer, I made sure Claire couldn't read my lips.

"Are you sure that's him?"


"Shit" I cursed under my breath. "You better be right" I said with my finger inches away from his nose. I turned around with a guilty smile on my face. "Well, um... I kind of have to um..."

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