Chapter 22

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Age: 19
Location: New York

Nicole stared down Joey coldly, her hood was pulled over her eyes lower than usual. She had one hand on her hip and the other hanging by her side. Joey looked back at me nervously and swallowed hard. I told him she wouldn't bite, but I'm not so sure now.

We stood behind Dudley's abandoned weapons store. I remembered the assassination that took place here all too well, very vividly in fact.

I cleared my throat, "I'm sure you two have met already." Nicole shifted on her heels. "Joey has been very useful to our cause these past few weeks. Without the info he's provided me, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I had in such timing. We share something in common, as do the people of Boston and New York."

Joey kept an emotionless expression. He was solely focused on me. "We've all been victims of the Templars, but unlike most victims. We can fight back in a greater fashion."

Nicole quickly interjected, "you want to recruit him into the brotherhood?" I bit my bottom lip.

"Well, not-"

Nicole flicked her hood back, "this is far from the best time to recruit." She approached me, now staring into the pores on my face.

"Would you let me finish? I was going to say, he wants to help us by giving us any information on the Templars. I wanted him to meet you, so when I'm not available he can talk to you." Nicole looked him up and down, as if inspecting his worth.

He spoke, "uh yes, I want to help in anyway I can. No matter the cost."

Joey stunned us both by dropping down to his knees, nearly kissing the grass. "Even if it means my life, I wish to assist the Assassins." Nicole gave me a worrisome look and I returned the favor with reassurance. I mouthed the words trust me and she hesitantly nodded her head in agreement.

"Alright, you can get off the ground now" she stated turning swiftly, purposely hitting me with her hair. She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him to his feet. Joey ogled at her, mouth opened a bit with a gleam in his eye.

"H-how do I contact you?" Nicole pulled her hood over her head. "I'll let you know. If that's all, I have somewhere to be. Joey...." She turned her head over her shoulder and gave me a familiar look, before taking to the rooftops.

That look meant this discussion wasn'tn over. Joey's eyes followed her with every leap and every step she took. He was smitten by her already. "She's beautiful" he spoke up. I decided not to respond. He dusted off his clothes still looking in the general direction Nicole took.

"When you have any reliable info, run it by her. She's just as good if not, better than I am."

"I still don't know where or how to find her." It wouldn't be smart to tell him where we're staying.

"Like she said...she'll let you know" I said scaling the nearest building, on my way to see Claire.

I just couldn't make time to actually get to know her. I'm trying to show Claire that I truly have interest in her, but she probably don't believe that right now. I landed on a chimney and out the corner of my eye, a group of red coats were roughing up a citizen.

The man took a swing on the soldier to his left. He connected heavily with his jaw, but received a knee to the gut almost instantly. Two soldiers held his arms, while the brute punished his ribs. No one interfered with the beating, just continued on with their day.

This shows me we have a lot more work to do. Hopefully this Templar meeting will have an impact on the city. I fear it might just tighten the hold around New York. As much I wanted to keep going to Martha's, this man needed help or they will beat him to death.

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