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9 years later

Rory's POV

"Aurora Vitiello what in god's name are you doing up there?" Xavier asks anger seeping into his tone and I smile at him sheepishly before climbing down the ladder the duster in hand "Just cleaning baby" I say innocently and he narrows his eyes at me before rubbing my bulging stomach and pressing a kiss on it. 

I'm due any day now and I look as though i'm going to bust and Xavier is desperate for a girl now more than ever because Chris and Lola recently had their second child and declared it quits after they got the perfect combo of one girl and boy. Plus after six boys can you blame us for wanting a girl. We got married three months before I found out I was pregnant and Xavier was over the moon then after the twins we thought that was it but two years later we gt another little surprise that is currently giving me grief. 

"Be good for mummy princess" Xavier whispers and I smile tears falling down my cheeks at the happy sight as the boys come charging in all messy from the garden. Xavier went to law school and is now a hotshot lawyer whilst I am a music teacher at the private school close to where we live. Our house is huge and specially designed after Xavier got this huge job we can afford everything e want in life and more and secure our children good futures which is all I ask for. 

Jasper, the eldest, comes up to kiss my stomach just the way his father did and each boy look so alike their father its uncanny. "boys i told you not to get too messy this time" I scold and Alex looks at me before grinning as Marcus lisps a small sorry. Xavier laughs at their muddy features even the twins who are only two are caked in mud from head to toe. 

I bend down chuckling slightly and then feel a great rush of water "Xavier" I groan and he averts his attention back to me slowly wiping Parker's face clean "Oh holy shit" he yells and jasper cocks his head to the side "what does that mean?" he asks and I glare at Xavier who shrugs guiltily before running over to me and dialing numbers manically onto the phone his clutch on my hand so tight you'd think he's the one about to push out  baby. 

After hours of agony and pushing and waiting finally a small cry erupts into the room and the midwife beams at us "congratulations guys you officially have your first daughter" she says and I feel tears threatening to fall as I look over to Xavier who's staring at the tiny baby in wonder tears spurting down his face. 

After the midwife cleans up and wraps our baby girl in a blanket we sit together discussing names as he cradles her close whispering sweet nothings in her ear.  After another day of observation we're allowed to go home and as we walk through the foyer of the hospital the new addition to our family in the car seat Xavier is currently carrying as though his life depends on it when a tall man stops us. 

I look up and Xavier stiffens as I glare at the man who removes his hood he has long dark hair and looks as though he was very handsome once. Yet now the left side of his face was covered by scarring  raw, painful scarring that jaggedly crossed against his cheeks engulfing his eyes with its rage and ugliness. "Long time no see Xavier" he says his voice a deep rumble and I jump as he gazes at me in surprise a malicious smirk filling up his face "ah you must be rory i don't suppose you know anything about me" he says and I shake my head warily as Xavier's grip tightens on the handle of the car seat. "Oh and who's this?" he asks allowing his calloused finger to gently caress the soft cheek of our sleeping little angel "be careful with her wouldn't want her to get hurt" he announce ominously and Xavier's gaze darkens
"what do you want Ricardo?" he asks in a chillingly cold voice
"Oh nothing my son is simply a year older than you daughter I do hope you take good care of her bye now" he says before sauntering off calmly down one of the corridors and I glance at an angry Xavier. 

"Mind telling me who that was?" I ask and he shakes his head
"When we get home" he agrees and I nod warily before he loops his arm around my waist "I'm so glad my dad married your mum" he says and I smile 
"me too" I agree and he smiles carefully strapping the car seat into the back and hopping into the drivers seat "I love you" he says kissing my hand and I smile back
"I love you too" i say as we drive away to collect our boys to carry on with our perfect happy family one that I've waited so long for and finally have with man I couldn't love more and seven beautiful amazing children. 


Oh My Holy Cheese ball's I can't believe its actually all over. WHYYYYYYY.
But never fear guys because I shall be doing a sequel so I shall let you know about that and add a little sneaky description of it after this for you guys. Anyway I am so happy with how this turned out in the end i mean who could've seen that one coming oh wait me.
Six boys eh they are some brave people but seriously I want to thank everyone who has decided to read my story please, please VOTE, COMMENT because that will make all my dreams come true and I hope you guys check out my other books and read my sequel which I am pretty excited about. So thanks again and I hope you enjoyed it 

Ta Ta For Now
Momohamster xoxo

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