Chapter 25: The truth

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Rory's POV

I slam my bedroom door and sink to the floor my head in my hands at least beign home alone meant I could cry at the top of my lungs in peace. Lola has gone out with the cheerleaders, Mum and Vince have taken Chase to see a film and god knows where Xavier is.

 After that confrontation in the hallway this morning I went to the bathroom and stayed there locked in a cubicle crying until lunchtime when Lola tracked me down and given me a lecture on how i'm too good for that lying scumbag and I've done the right thing. But the broken, disgruntled look on his face completely disagreed with that nor would it leave my mind and that was the most heart wrenching of all. That even after all of this all I wanted to do the only thing that could possibly cease my tears is the very cause of them. 

All I've been able to do after that night is cry and watch shitty romance films until they reduced me yet again to tears after the realization that life is nothing like that in reality. He'd looked awful this morning his face was grey and solemn that smirk was nowhere in sight, his twinkling playful eyes were a dull dreary expression and his usually perfect soft hair was slick and greasy sticking up at odd angles. 

I'm in the middle of heating up a bowl of Mac and cheese when Lola comes in with Mandy from the squad "hey Rory" she says with a beaming smile and I furrow my eyebrows at her before returning a small forced smile that I think comes out as more of a snarl and by the expression on her face I definitely snarled. Before sprinting back upstairs and closing the door I finsh my food in record time and notice a small piece of folded paper on top of my piano. 

Furrowing my eyebrows I unfold it and my breath hitches and gets stuck in my throat when I notice the familiar messy scrawl that belongs to Xavier:
To my Princess,
I love you more than words can say and I know you probably think that everything we had was fake but I'm writing this to tell you it wasn't and it never was I loved you for so much longer than I admitted and from that moment yo pushed me off in disgust and called me an asshole I knew you were the one for me. I even ignored, ripped up and destroyed my DO NOT BANG list for you. You stole my heart something I thought was completely impossible and you changed my player ways I swear I never want to go back and I don't think I want to date anyone again if it isn't you. I want you to be the one I hold at night, wake up to in the morning and have children with. You have to believe I never would hurt you purposely I understand I did but trust me I felt it too but she's a a mistake that I will never re visit and you are my life. I love you little Gattina she was drunk and I couldn't leave her to get raped so I took her home but nothing happened and it was never planned. Trust me my dick has decided he only wants you and I couldn't have gotten it up even if I wanted to which I DIDN'T!! So i apologize and realise for now you need your space but trust me the fight isn't over.

Your Prince Xavier xxx  

I sit down on my bed and cry stroking the letters on the page a part of me believes him completely but the other much smaller part is reminding me off all the facts I saw that morning that pointed to him lying and my throat tightens as i'm torn about what to do. I crouch into a ball tears falling down my cheeks as Lola storms in dragging Mandy behind her "tell her what you just told me now" Lola demands and Mandy looks at me hesitantly as I perk up and wipe my eyes. 

"TELL HER DAMMIT" Lola demands angrily and Mandy nods slowly before turning back to me and smiling sympathetically "Vanessa came into the bathroom during third period two weeks ago I was in there because some idiot spilled Ribena all over my new white blouse" she begins and Lola urges her on as I raise my eyebrows questioningly "and she started talking to me about school and I mentioned you and then she told me that you and Xavier weren't a problem anymore so I was like what but she told me that she slept over at his apartment whilst you were away and she was planning to seduce him to break you up but she didn't have to because when she awoke she heard your voice put his shirt on and walked out" she admits and I glare at her before nodding for her to continue "well she told me nothing actually happened she was wasted he took her home but at every pass she made he flunked her off and she just split you up so she could have a good chance at getting him back, she then offered me a smoke and i refused so she shrugged and left" she adds drifting off topic as Lola grabs the letter and reads it.

"This is perfect" she shouts and i stare at her likes shes gone crazy
"it is?" I ask and she nods happily
"Duh this means he's innocent and you can go get your man back" she orders but I shake my head and she growls at me "what do you mean no this is the news you've been waiting for and now you're like no" she shrieks and i open my mouth
"It's no that easy--" I start but she cuts me off easily
"Bull you're just scared because you're wrong and you on't wanna get hurt again well that's tough shit because i'm not having you moping around here so get ready because we're going to get your shit back together" she yells and I nod hesitantly half scared but half determined as I realized she was right. 

The front door slams shut and Lola smirks at me before shrugging her shoulders "too late have fun and wear protection" she says and i blush as she pulls Mandy downstairs and i hear a light conversation downstairs before the closing of the front door and then Xavier comes pounding up the stairs shouting my name. I take a deep breath here goes nothing.  

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