Chapter 19: The plan

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Xavier's POV

I trace the defined lines of her cheekbones as she sleeps peacefully and my hands brush the hair from her face as I run my fingers through it's soft feel. She sighs deeply and I smile before checking my phone to be met with thousands of texts from her mum, Lola and my dad. I check all of the threatening ones from my step mum before deleting them and answer a calm reassuring response to both Lola's and my dads worried texts.

I lean back and watch the rise and fall of her naked chest then she stirs and smiles at me before blushing slightly. I chuckle at her reaction and wrap my arms around her bare waist nuzzling into her soft warm neck. "baby don't I've gotta get dressed" she says but I pout in disagreement and fasten her to my body "no I think I prefer this" I admit gesturing down to our naked bodies and she blushes again "princess you can in no way still be shy after what we did last night" i say with a smirk and she glares at me before biting her lip slightly.

I lean forward and capture her lips with mine my morning arousal making a reappearance and her eyes go wide as I press the bulge against her thigh. She smiles before slipping her hand between the covers and running her fingers over 'little Xavier'. "Oh you're bad--" i say breathlessly releasing a low groan as she grips me properly and begins kissing down my chest then she disappears beneath the cover her mouth kissing the skin slightly and I shudder in delight right before hearing my mum's shrill voice "honies i'm home" she calls and Rory pops her head back up and I smirk at her "lets see what that mouth can do later yeah" i say and she nods pressing her hand against it again "sure thing" she whispers before slipping out of my grasp and tugging on some clothes.

I sit at the table eating some cereal when Rory walks in her hair wet from the shower and hanging down in dark waves. She sits next to me and I press a kiss on her cheek and mum turns round a smile evident on her face "so what did you guys get up to last night?" She asks and Rory chokes on her food blushing furiously as I pat her back nod suppress a laugh "oh nothing just watched some films" I say casually shrugging my shoulders and mum nodded glancing questioningly at Rory before focusing her attention back on the document in hand.
Rory's phone begins to buzz several more times as we cuddle together under the blankets "princess I think you should go see your mum" I say truthfully and Rory's head snaps to face me her eyes wide and her mouth in a gasp "no way not until she accepts us" she says stubbornly and I nod slightly as she intertwined our fingers together
"I love you and she needs to face up to that until then.." I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers unforgivingly "I love you too baby"

Lola's POV
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chris asks clutching my hand tightly as we stand outside facing my house that currently inhabits my crazed mother "yes Chris I need to do it for Rory she deserves this I've been a shit sister and I'm gonna do everything in my power to change it" I say determinedly and he nods in defeat as I march into the house through the open front door "MUM" I shout throughout the eerily quiet house stopping in the front from as I recognise a small hunched figure "mum?" I say softly this time and she turns to me her eyes red and swollen her face wet and blotchy from remnants of her distress. In her hand she clutches a family photo album "you know she was so different always right no one could ever tell her what to do" she begins her voice horribly grating against my ears as it cracks and breaks like the fragile glass vase she once bought "your dad he was so determined she would do amazing in music he did everything for that blooming piano" she continues her voice wavering at the last word as she slumps to the ground her eyes surrounded by purple bags.

"Gawd I know it wasn't her fault any of it but I was so stupid and caught up in my own little world she accepted Vince well but it wasn't enough she didn't look at him with the same shine in her eyes and it hurt much" I hold onto her tightly as she clutched at the coffee table weakly tears flowing freely from her eyes "truth is I can't bear to lose her all over again I promised your dad I would give you all the best I thought by doing that she might..he's not the best for her right? I mean she deserves more yeah? He's always in trouble he's not stable for her life is he?" She asks jumbling all her thoughts into one as open my mouth she lets out a heart wrenched sob.

"Mum we both blamed her for too long she reminded us of dad she never let us forget the amazing man he was and for that I am now truly grateful" I admit sitting down next to her wrapping my arms securely around her waist "but she's been unhappy for so long and to see her with Xavier well he bought back that shine in her eyes the one she used to have when dad took us camping every summer or played that silly old piano or when she first learned to play that song on it and drove us all mad and I think she deserves that light back because we all have it she needs it too" I say  and mum nods
"Chase is out at the park with Vince he got angry and said I should let them be if they're happy and maybe that's what we'll do but how can she come back she doesn't Ben want to see me again" I say and I smile a little hugging her tighter
"If you really want to make this work and accept it" I begin and mum nods eagerly her brown hair bobbing up and down furiously "I do I can't lose her forever"
"Then I have a plan"

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