Chapter 9: The project

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Xavier glares at me as though I'm the one that's just dragged him through a very crowded lunch hall over my shoulder. Sorry mate flip that it happened to me. I stare at my feet shuffling awkwardly as he continues to stare at me intensely "well?" He asks and I stare at him "well what?"

Anger flashes across his face as he yells making me jump "WELL WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" he asks in a deadly tone and I gulp as he advances towards me so I stumble backwards. That is until my back hits the cold brick wall you know when you read one of those romance novels and the man traps the woman against the wall and they have an intense make out session well that couldn't be further from what was going on. Xavier looked as though he was more on the verge of ripping my eyeballs from my head  than making out with me.

"What the heck are you talking about?" I ask anger bubbling up inside my tiny figure and he glares murderously at me his already black eyes darkening if that's even possible. "I'm talking about that prick in there" he retorts and I look at him confused about to reply until he cuts me off "and the fact that I've been here for nearly a whole month and not once have I seen you in that canteen then suddenly he comes along and you're jumping at the chance to sit with him" he growls and I can't help but laugh as he stares at me like I've gone crazy. "Are you jealous?" I ask between giggles and his scowl deepens.

"You know what forget it go back to pretty boy" he says punching the wall above my head "what the hell was that for?" I ask grabbing hold of his wrist and inspecting his knuckles. He rips them from my grasp and glares at me so harshly I want nothing more than to crawl in a hole in the ground and never come back out. "I thought I told you to leave?" He asks and I shrug squaring up to him angrily
"And since when do I take orders from you?" I ask surprising both of us with my new found confidence I only usually wore at home.

He came closer to me and slammed both his hands flat out on the wall either side of my head, caging me in. "You wanna talk to me like that again?" He threatens and I mumble something incoherently the hairs on my neck standing up as his breath tickles my neck. Damn he smells so good it should be illegal to look and smell this good "look at me when I'm talking to you" he demands forcing my chin upwards with a bruising grip as I look into his dark, empty eyes. "Better" he states in a husky mumble his grip on my chin loosening as he cups the back of my head tangling his long fingers in my dark curls.

After several minutes that felt like several hours pass he smirks before scoffing and dropping his hands from me as I shiver and I release a breath I never realised I was holding. "See ya at home sis" he says emphasising the word sis making it sound dirty. I bite my lip before walking back into the building.

After the moment outside with I couldn't concentrate at all on any work or lessons for the remaining lessons of the day and now I'm transferring my books from my bag into my locker to make it lighter and more bearable to carry home. I jump back with a slight squeal when I see a grinning blonde staring down at me "hey pipsqueak" he says and I glare at him "do not call me that!" I say in a tone of disgust and he laughs fully at my reaction "what was that all about at lunch?" He asks and I freeze momentarily he couldn't have seen us there is no way is there?

As I stand there freaking out about whether or not I should move to Mexico, grow a beard and rename myself Rico he raises and eyebrow "you know why did he drag you out like that?" He specifies and I nod immediately calming my irrational thoughts
"Um he just had to give me a message from my mum" I lie and he nods his eyebrows furrowing cutely but not as cute as Xavier who scrunches his nose slightly whenever he thinks about something. Wait what am I saying stop stop stop!

"How'd ya know him" Chris asks and I smile
"Uh he's my stepbrother" I admit truthfully and Chris nods
"So pretty bummed about that stupid project from Mr Stanbridge" he says and I nod in agreement Mr Stanbridge is an overexcitable fifty year old who tries to act way younger than he actually is and tries to relate to the kids in his class. Little does he know he seems extremely cringy when doing so as he's overweight and sporting little to no hair on his strangely large head. He's also one of those evil teachers who think it fun to hand out huge presentations to his class with very little notices and expects it done within record timing. So in other words a major douchebag.

"So wanna be my partner?" He asks causing me to choke on air no one has ever asked me I always worked alone. "Sure" I agree with a smile after a short period of hesitation.
"Ok so can I come over to start on it say around six?" He asks and I nod hesitantly as he smiles at me before walking off in the directions of the buses. Yet all I could think is Xavier isn't going to like this not one bit.

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