Chapter 7:The party

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What in hell have I just got myself into? I stare at him wide eyed as he leaves the room demanding I'm ready in twenty minutes or he'll dress me himself. I knew that piercing would be the death of me one day. I got it after a huge argument with my mum not long after my dads funeral but I hadn't told a soul since the day I got it done and my mum finally decided to stop questioning my more modest choice of clothing.

Yet he hasn't been here for even a whole month yet and my secret is already out. Well I had to go along with it it's the only thing I can do if mum finds out she'll flip her lid and lists just say it's not so great to be on the end of wrath. I tug on a deep blue lacy dress that stops mid thigh and clings to my curves perfectly. After doing light makeup and matching my dress with a pair of matching deep blue stilettos I grab my hone stuffing it into my clutch purse and head downstairs.

Xavier is lounging on the sofa wearing a deep green v-neck that clings to him like a second skin revealing his rippling muscles underneath and deep blue ripped jeans with black timberlands on his feet. His eyes rake shamelessly up and down my body leaving tingles on my skin from his burning gaze "like what you see?" I ask rudely and he smirks "yeah I do" he replies nonchalantly and I use all my will power to keep my jaw from flapping open "whatever if you're done ogling me can we go now?" I ask rudely placing a hand on my hip and he gestures for me to wait a second before staring at me for a full ten minutes straight "alright we're good" he says smirking and I flip him off before sauntering out of the house followed by his laughter.

"Get on my bike" he demands sitting on it and I walk over without protest before sitting on it and clutching onto his torso "baby if you expect me to drive you gotta loosen up the death grip" he says cheekily and I flush with embarrassment before loosening my hold and suddenly we're lost in a blur of colours.

I quickly hop off the motorcycle and hand him back his helmet he quickly grabs me and pulls me closer to his side one of his hands splayed lazily over my hip and my body goes crazy. "Stay close to me gattina" he says huskily and I nod feebly burrowing into him as we pass large groups of loud teenagers all staring at us in awe.

As we enter the house a flock of girls immediately greet Xavier each one as desperate and slutty as the next sporting plunging necklines and see through skirts. They spot me and start throwing daggers to which I smile serenely at them all which let me tell you didn't go down to well. Xavier sits me down on a sofa and tells me not to move before disappearing in the crowded sea of people after several moments a tall, slender girl walks over to me and sits down her straight red hair falling into her eyes "hey" she says to me bitterly and I roll my eyes.

Great another one of Xavier's fan girls just what I need tonight I have been the number one target of all their empty threats "listen if you're hear to warn me about Xavier let me tell you this I have never and probably will never be dating him so before you begin to throw around stupid little threats calm your overly laced panties and do one before I do something I won't regret" I say calmly and the girls scowl turns into a full on grin
"Finally" she says with exasperation and I glare at her in confusion
"I'm violet one of Xavier's friends I was just checking your not a desperate bitch and boy am I glad you're not" she says laughing and I smile genuinely at her
"I'm Rory" I admit and she grins at me
"Well Rory I think you and me are gonna be good friends"
Xavier's POV
I watch intently as Rory continues to commit the torture that she calls dancing and I almost full out groan when she begins to swivel her hips sexily against Violet who's dancing crazily her hair whipping round her face. Dante comes over to me and follows my gaze "whew I'm gonna have to slow my girl down in a minute I don't think she'd been too haply with me ripping her from her new friend for a quickie" he jokes and I smile, him and Violet make a crazy couple yet they work perfectly they understand each other and love each other unconditionally so much so they'd risk their lives to be together. Sometimes I feel that's all I need but then I remember why I don't do girlfriends and I give up on the theory.

"She sure likes that new step sister of yours" Dante says and I nod it was strange for Violet to be so welcoming to anyone this early on unless she saw true potential in them. Let's just say she has an excellent judge of character "and I can see by the looks of things she's not the only one" he continues and I clench my jaw Dante has been my friend ever since we were in nappies "I don't know what you're talking about dant" I reply clenching my fish tightly and he laughs "oh come on X I wasn't born yesterday I've known you since we were tiny you like her" I shake my head vigorously at his theory and he laughs again.

"Listen X there ain't nothing wrong with it I'm just saying you gotta be careful I mean she's your stepsister and she's a snobby one at that don't forget where they live" he says and I nod "people like her don't go with people like us and for good reason too" he responds and I feel anger boiling up inside me with the need to tell him he's got her all wrong she isn't like them but then he says the words that make my anger come shattering down "I just don't wanna see the same thing happen as it did with Vanessa" he says and this time I have to refrain from punching something that name stirs up some of the worst memories possible "it won't happen again I can promise that" I say truthfully, Dante is right I can't get to close it can't happen again she doesn't belong with someone like me.

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