Chapter 14: Toxic Love

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Rory's POV

Not knowing when it happened my lips are suddenly locked with Xavier's, kissing him. The start of the soft touch sends a strong feeling of warmth and pleasure spiraling through my body. My eyes close fearlessly, but the closure doesn't allow me to see darkness, it instead creates colour's of fondness. My tense nerves soon begin to relax, my troubles, my pain slowly begins to melt away and the surroundings begin to disappear leaving only me, me and Xavier. This. This feels true. This feels good. This feels right.

I feel my arms begin to slide up his chest and encircle his neck, as the kiss begins to grow heavy. His hand slides from my face and clamps onto my waist. His tongue breaks through the seams of my lips effortlessly deepening the kiss and he begins to dominate my mouth searching every corner of it whilst massaging my tongue with his and I moan tugging on his hair as he lets out a low growl from the back of his throat. When we break apart for air, he rests his forehead against mine and looks into my eyes as I gather some much needed oxygen. His smirk tells me everything and I smile back sinking into his hold.


I read my book before placing it down and staring at a nervous looking Chris, scoffing I gather my things and begin to exit the library before a strong hand clamped around my wrist stops me. "Please just a minute please" he begs and I nod reluctantly allowing him to pull me over to a unoccupied table when my face encounters his sad eyes.

My mind wanders straight to Xavier ever since the day at the graveyard we've shared many more kisses most more passionate and hot than the last. I'm still not entirely sure what we are to each other but he's been caring, loving since and we go out most evenings together I like to consider them dates. 

"I am so sorry for everything and yes I know what you're thinking and at first I did just want to get to know Lola but you don't understand" he begins in a hurry and I nod slightly encouraging him to continue "the more I hung out with you the more I found out how great of a friend you are but I have deeper feelings for your sister and always have" he admits and I choke on air as he sighs tiredly "but she's never noticed me before so i started from a new angle and I thought after that kiss-- but she just tossed me aside and I've really missed you" he admits and I nod slightly my bitter attitude dissolving as I look into his genuine face filled with concern. "So you had other friends?" I ask and he nods but that's all I need to know even though he has other friends he still came back to me and apologized and for that I am grateful. 

"I'll put in a good word and I guess I forgive you this time" I add and he beams happily and lets out a deep sigh of relief before hugging me tightly and all I can think off is how dull his hug is compared to the warm, electric buzz that accompanies Xavier's soft touch. We walk into the canteen and sit down at a table laughing about a teacher when I feel a protective hand come down to my waist and pull me into a broad chest. Xavier glares daggers at Chris but I shake my head lightly signalling to him that I'd explain later.


"What you like him is that it?" Xavier explodes as I shut the door to his bedroom he begins to pace across his room pushing his hands though his dark, soft hair. "NO" I yell a bit too loudly and he jumps in surprise staring at me as I bite my lip in thought he comes closer and runs his thumb across my bottom lip "if you keep biting that lip i'll do something about it" he says and I blush as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist tightly. 

"So explain then" he demands pressing my back against the wall his head so close that whenever he speaks his lips brush against mine. I begin to slowly explain what Chris told me stuttering as Xavier continuously presses himself into my body so I can feel the growing bulge press itself against my core. I gasp loudly as he sucks and bites harshly on my neck, he smirks up at me and I cover my blushing cheeks with my hands. He reaches one hand up and pulls my hands from my face "don't" he commands huskily. 

"Xavier?" i ask timidly trying to calm my raging nerves and the prat of my conscience that is already kicking myself and desperately pleading with my brain to not ask this stupid little question. "hmm?" he replies pressing soft kisses to my neck and I sigh deeply before opening my big mouth "what exactly are we?" I ask and close my eyes in anticipation for a bad reaction. I feel Xavier stiffen beneath me and lower me slowly so my feet are firmly on the ground. I bite my lip as he runs his hands over his face and I begin to back away feeling stupid but he stops me. 

"I feel strange with you and I really like it, I get insanely jealous when another guy so much as breathes in your direction, no other girl even comes close to making me feel like you do and as cheesy as this shit sounds it's true" he says and I look at him in confusion and awe before pressing him further "right but you don't do girlfriends" I mutter darkly and he stares at me with regret flashing though his eyes "it's fine I might as well go and find someone else that does" I add bitterly before walking towards the door.

"Not gonna happen" Xavier says his breath tickling my neck and I raise my eyebrow before turning round "why not?" i begin but he cuts me off seemingly struggling with his words as he utters out the words I really want to hear most "Because-because you'll be my g-girlfriend"

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