Chapter 17: The Big Reveal

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Rory's POV

I pick at my food blocking out the disgusting noises of Chris' and Lola's overly touchy relationship. It's been a week but you'd think they've been together for years the way they act around each other even if it is a bit overbearing to watch I am so glad I got my sister back and she's finally happy with someone she deserves. 

Looking up my eyes catch Xavier's intense gaze which he quickly averts as soon as I make eye contact. Tears prick at the back of my eyes as Lola gently places her hand over mine following my gaze that has now dropped back to my full plate. I have on countless occasions tried to talk to Xavier and tell him how I really feel I've even prepared to say the L word but I got ignored or cut off and every-time he does it so carelessly my heart breaks. Lola has also apologized and tried to explain as has his Chris and Dante and even Violet but he refuses to listen to anyone or even be in the same room as me he avoids me at any chance he gets and won't stay within one foot of me without leaving. As much as I hate to admit it i'm slowly giving up on us ever being what we were and it's slowly killing me I watch as Xavier scrapes his chair back and thuds upstairs without a backward glance. Chase smiles at me before walking up the stairs after Xavier and I sigh heavily as new tears begin to fall.

Xavier's POV

I growl loudly in annoyance I can't even bare to stay in the same room as her because I know if I do i'll end up smashing my lips her and probably fucking her right then and there and after that I would be to damn selfish to ever let go of her and I know better than anyone she deserve someone better than me. 

I flop down on my bed throwing my hands across my face but I stiffen up as I hear the door open and close softly. Peering through my fingers I notice Chase creeping towards me and I relax slowly "hey buddy whatcha need?" I ask and he frowns slowly before sitting on the floor in front of my bed causing me to sit upright to face him. "I need you to listen to Rory" he demands and I open my mouth to say it's complicated but he cuts me off "I don't care what happened all I know is that when you were with her she smiled and played the piano and laughed and she hasn't done that since dad but then suddenly she's back to a robot" he begins and I hold my head in my hands groaning "no in fact she's worse all she does is cry even when she thinks no one is looking she's sad and only you can stop that so stop being so damn selfish and listen to her before I lock you both in a room" he deadpans before getting up and walking to the door. Throwing one last look over his shoulder he shakes his head in disappointment before slamming the door shut. As much as I hate to say it the little guy's right I need to speak to Rory.

I walk into her room and find her laying curled up on her bed going over to her I can't help but wrap my arms securely around her she snuggles into me and I think this is all I want. Fuck anyone else I don't share and she is definitely mine "Rory baby i'm sorry" I say burying my head into the crook of her neck and she sits upright her teary eyes wide. After wiping away the rest of her tears I tuck her back safely against my body where she stays without complaint "please-please forgive me" I murmur into her hair and she nods slightly before surprising me and pressing her lips to mine. 

I kiss her aggressively starved of her touch and I desperately need it I continue to search her mouth with my tongue as she arches her back and I groan placing my hands on her hips sliding myself on top of her. She moans lowly causing my hips to buck involuntarily and she giggles into my mouth as I press my excited bulge against her thigh before covering her shoulders and neck with hickeys licking them as I go along. "Rory I have an idea that might he--" Lola cuts herself off as she notices our intimate position and she giggles "guess you don't need my help" she says retreating and then yells from the hallway "use protection I don't want to be an aunt this young" Rory blushes groaning as Lola's laughter fades but I smirk pressing my hips into her "so about those children". 

She glares at me playfully "we'll do it for real this time yeah?" she asks and I nod in agreement before kissing her once again "you're mine now and nothing can change that" she smiles widely before kissing me forcefully. I edge the thin straps of her vest top down her arms and continue to kiss her plunging my tongue into her mouth kissing her is my new favorite thing to do. I've been with a lot of girls but damn she's the best I've ever had. I grip tightly onto her thighs and gently bite down on her collarbone before nuzzling myself into the crook of her neck; she giggles and I smirk up at her "now this is a secret worth telling" I murmurs before slamming my lips onto her own.

We continue to make out but a loud slam causes us to jerk our heads to the source of the sound and there in the doorway we find Rory's mum glaring at us in shock horror her hair sticking up wildly about her head her eyes wide open and red. I turn back to Rory who looks up at me gulping and then back to her mother look's like our secrets out...already.

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