Chapter 23: Cheating scumbag

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"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Xavier's asks worriedly as we drop him off at his mums house I nod for the thousandth time to reassure him that I'll be fine going on a camping trip with my mum and sister "of course now behave and don't miss me too much" I say and he smiles at me before nodding and then pressing his lips against mine
"Ugh get a room" Lola teases and he smiles gains my lips before deepening the kiss and Lola squeals in disgust causing me to laugh.

"Bye Angel see ya in three days" he says and I nod before driving away shaking my head at his silliness and Mum giggles "you'd think you're leaving him for three years not days" she teases and Lola nods in agreement
"Yeah Chris and Vince weren't even that bad" she adds and I roll my eyes in mock irritation before we all burst out laughing and turn the radio up.

We fly down the motorways singing at the top of our lungs to whatever song comes on the radio and finally we pull up outside a large log cabin dedicated solely to the spa. After parking and collecting all of our luggage and trust me Lola doesn't travel lightly she has two suitcases, one large gym bag, three bags for life and her large handbag. I raise my eyebrows at her luggage but she just shrugs grinning sheepishly.

My mum finally decided to use her spa treatment tickets and forced me and Lola to accompany her because and I quote 'she doesn't want to be a lonely old bid". The whole resort is huge made of posh, gleaming white marble surfaces and the rooms are large and pristine even though I have to share it with my sister.

We spend the rest of the day exploring the resort and all the treatments on offer before settling down to talk ,to a middle aged lady with black hair pulled back into a tight bun and lipstick staining her teeth, about our beauty schedules for the next three days. Mum goes with a more older woman treatment whereas Lola goes full hog and I decide to go simple and have natural treatments done.
I wake up in the warm comfortable bed to a text from Xavier good morning beautiful I miss you baby, hope your having a good time, I love you xxx
I smile happily and sink back into the puffy pillows "what has you all smiley?" Lola grumbles and I laugh at her tone as she reaches for another pillow to block out the sunlight streaming in through the curtains.

"Xavier just text me" I say casually but my insides are bubbling up excitedly and my heart feels as though it's on a high "huh Chris never does anything like that for me--" she begins but cuts herself off as she reaches for her phone and reads a message on it a stupid soppy grin plastered on her face. "Sorry what was that?" I tease and she giggles before playfully punching my arm "bugsy using shower first" I say childishly jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom "hey no fair!" She yells as I slam the door shut triumphantly.

After many, many outfit changes later I finally got Lola to approve of my clothing and allow me to leave the room. Mum had already started with a simple anti wrinkle face mask and I was deciding to have my nails done first. Picking a light dusky pink and a simple French manicure I get talking to the lady who's doing my nails she's quite young and very pretty her hair long and blonde. She told me how her aunt runs the spa and she always wanted to be a beautician therapist so her aunt was training her up, that and she had a boyfriend Trevor who she got to see regularly ever since she moved in with her aunt.

In turn I told her all about Xavier and she told me that I have a keeper but that's one thing I knew before she told me. Right now I can't imagine my life without him at all. The rest of our trip is pure bliss and I've really bonded with my sister and mum in away I didn't think possible it's like we're a family again and that just added to the smile that now constantly lit up my face. Chris missed Lola so much he decided to travel down and spend the rest of the stay with her in our room lets just say the maids might want to burn them sheets and I need to bleach my mind no amount of massages or brainwashing will ever let me forget those godforsaken noises ugh.

On our last day mum decides to fill the car and we leave mega early in the morning because we're all a it homesick and missing our guys. Vince has non stop called and texted mum whilst we were away same with Chris and Xavier however last night I heard hardly anything from him after nine o'clock and that's very unusual.

Mum drops me off outside Xavier's block of flats and tells me she'll put my bag in my room when she gets back I give her a kiss and she pulls me into a tight hug "sweetie I promise I am going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you I had the best time ever" she says and my eyes fill up with tears as I give her one last squeeze and charge up the stairs to Xavier's mums apartment.

Knocking on the door I feel excitement bubbling in my chest as I can imagine the surprise of Xavier seeing me this early in the morning when we weren't meant to arrive back until late at night. The door swings open and a half asleep Xavier grumbles a hello wiping sleep away from his eyes.

He's dressed solely in a pair of Calvin Klein boxers his yummy taut muscles on display and I smile up at him as he takes a step back shock evident on his grey face. In fact he looks sick his eyes dreary and his hair is sticking up all over the place "hey baby" I rush and he grins at me that grin that make my knees buckle every time "princess what are you doing here?" He asks and I smile at him
"I guess I'm that sad girl that wants to leave a trip early to come see her boyfriend" I admit and he smiles at this before kissing me hard and I taste alcohol on him realising he's not sick but hungover. "Have fun last night?" I tease and he smiles before its quickly wiped away "what's wrong Xavier?" I ask and he shakes his head a weak smile forming on his face his eyes emotionless.

"So what were you up to while I was away then?" I ask noisily and he grins down at me
"Nothing much I just hung out with Chris" he says and I tilt my head to the side confusion stirring in me "chris? Like Lola's chris?" I ask and he nods so I frown deeply
"Yeah he's actually not a bad guy we really got talking" he lies easily hugging me to him and I push him away "what's wrong Angel?" He asks and I shake my head
"How can you have spent the weekend with Chris when he spent it with us?" I ask calmly screaming the last word and his face falls a flash of worry flickering across it. I open my mouth to ask him more questions to understand why he lied and just what he was doing all weekend when a familiar nasally voice interrupts me.

"Xavy do you have any aspirin?" the voice asks and I furrow my eyebrows as Xavier stiffens his grip on me tightening, looking over Xavier's shoulder I come face to face with a slender red head dressed only in his shirt. My heart stops and anger, disappointment and frustration bubbles up inside of me a small voice in the back of my head laughs at me repeatedly yelling I told you so. Vanessa grins at me maliciously and I glare at Xavier who's watching me with worry flashing across his features "no Rory it's not what it--" I cut him off my heart barely keeping together threatening to break into tiny little pieces "no!" I shout shaking my head "what a cliche you are Xavier" I spit angrily and storm of down the stairs with him chasing after me
"Rory please, RORY, AURORA" I ignore his desperate cries and take off running down the street to the nearest bus stop.

I sit down on the empty bus and allow the tears to spurt down my cheeks in hot rushes, my heart has shattered into tiny pieces and my mind is going through so many possibilities I'm giving myself a migraine what if it's not what I think, what if it's all a lie, what if he just wanted to sleep with you, what if he goes back to Vanessa, what if he still loves her. What if, what if , what if all of them drive me to the brink of insanity and the world around me blurs as the other small voice in the back of my head says that's what you get for loving the player.

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