Chapter 1: The arrival

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I sip at my water on the counter whilst glaring enviously at chases plate it is full of sausage, egg, bacon, pancakes covered in chocolate syrup. Oh shit I'm drooling I sigh and avert my pointed glare of hatred towards the apple I have in my hands. "Rory if you're not going to eat your food then don't keep rolling it around" mum says angrily whilst scrapping at the already sparkling clean tiles on the kitchen wall.

I sigh "but mum can't I have--" before I finish my sentence mum interrupts me with a sharp glare "no you can have an apple you need to start eating less anyways I'm sure you've gained weight" she announces shaking her head with disappointment I roll my eyes and shuffle my way back into my seat at the breakfast bar. Any other child would be in tears because of what my mother just said but I'm used to it its just how she works she can't help it. She's only pointing out my weight anyway because Lola told her she thought I was getting to big after hearing some of the boys talking about how much more curvier I am than her. So sue me I have a big butt and boobs trust me she can have em if she so desperately wants!

Vince smiles politely at me "oh come on kimmy she can at least have a sausage or something" he offers but I shake my head a t him as does mum
"Don't you dare side with her for this one vin I've told her she can have an apple anyway I've already cleaned up the dishes and put them away so no" my mum yells before polishing her frames on the walls. Vince smiles sympathetically at me "I tried kiddo" he says shrugging and I nod wincing slightly at the nickname. Don't get me wrong vince is great my mum is so happy with him and he treats me, chase and Lola like his own kids it's just I was really close to my dad and I can't allow anyone to fill that role just yet.

"Why are you cleaning like a maniac anyway mum?" Chase asks with a mouthful before shovelling in even more food "don't talk with your mouthful honey and today is the day Xavier comes to stay here we can't have him thinking we live like pigs" my mum states proudly not looking up once from her polishing.

Ah yes Xavier, Vince's absentee son for the whole three years my mum and Vince have been together. To be honest if it wasn't for the photos of him dotted around the house courtesy of Vince I could of sworn him a figment of their imagination. My mum had only met him once but he wasn't present at the wedding or when his dad moved in or any of the parties and other family events he's been invited to.

I'm pulled straight from my thoughts as Lola struts in wearing a short, tight black miniskirt and a low cut pink tube top "hi mummy, hi vince" she says in a sickly voice
"Aw morning baby how did you sleep?" Mum coos and Lola bats her eyelashes
"Perfectly" she says pouting her sticky glittering lips.
"Honey Xavier's a teenage boy it's not like he cares what the house looks like" Vince reassures but my mum waves him and continues to scrub vigorously at non existent dirt on the wall.

"Oh yes Xavier is coming today how silly of me to forget" she giggles and I mentally roll my eyes. There is no way in hell she forgot she's been counting down the days until this happens apparently he's hot. "I still think he should have the room next to mine and share my bathroom" Lola proposes and I nod in agreement I would love nothing more than that then I wouldn't have to share my part of the house at all.
"Oh I know baby but it just makes more sense" my mum says kissing the top of Lola's head and sliding a large stack of pancakes over to her.

Lola grins at me as mum gives her the syrup and I nods at my apple sneering "well I hope I look presentable enough to meet him" Lola continues and I roll my eyes
"You look lovely dear, wish I could say the same for everyone" mum says casting a glance my way and I shrug looking down at myself I'm wearing high waisted blue denim shorts and a large knitted jumper that hangs off of one of my shoulder and small black ankle boots. "You both look lovely girls I'm sure Xavier can't wait to meet you" Vince announces in a tight tone his face showing concern.

"Are we sure he's even going to show?" I ask and both mum and Lola gasp at me as though I've just told them I've murdered their cats "of course" they both defend
"Well I'm just saying wasn't he meant to be here like two hours ago?" I ask nodding at the clock and my mum shakes her head "of course he will turn up there could have been complications" she says defensively.

We hear a car door slam shut and a car pull out of the driveway as my mum and Vince both rush to the door with Lola hot on their heels. I mentally sigh I am dreading this so much I have to share my half of the house and go to school with him plus from what I've heard he's a delinquent player so this will be fun. Chase chuckles at my frown and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze before rushing out of the door himself. I advance towards the door but think better off it and walk straight upstairs before looking my bedroom door not caring what mum would have to say.

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