Chapter 11: Invitation

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"Hey you're Lola's sister right?" the bouncy blonde asks and i nod furrowing my eyebrows why the hell was she asking me? No on ever chooses to talk to me unless its to ask abut my sister or about homework. "alright well i guess this is for you then" she says with a smirk and gives me a bright pink leaflet with bold black lettering on it "i hope to see you there" she says before leaving with a final smile.

i look down at the blindingly bright piece of paper warily holding at arms length "i don't think its gonna attack you"a deep voice announces and i jump hitting my head on the bookshelf behind me. He chuckles and i glare at him "talking to me now?" i ask rudely and he clenches his fist and i smirk at him "you should go" he says gesturing to the party invite. I never get invited to parties like ever so to say i'm surprised is a major understatement. "like you'd care if i turned up or not" i say and he rolls his eyes at me "whatever i'm just saying don't miss out everyone else will be there" he adds and i scoff

"all the more reason not to go then". he shrugs and leans against the bookshelf i'm leaning up against crossing his huge arms over his muscular chest. "anything else i can help you with or?" i ask and he smiles at me before strolling slowly towards my crouched position and mirrors it "i haven't forgotten the list" he whispers in my er and i shiver my inside screaming at me to lean into him. Before i can reply he leans in again "i'll see ya tonight then" he adds huskily his lips brushing against my ear as he flicks the invite before leaving.

My blood pumps harder as i bite my lip hard causing it to bleed "Chris are you going to that party tonight?" i ask and he smiles at me before nodding and my grin grows. I really like Chris he's a great friend but never anything more don't get me wrong hes a great guy but not entirely my type. Oh yeah because your type is a 6'4 hunk that goes by the name of Xavier Vitiello!

I blush at my inner conscience before mentally telling it to shut up, i like Chris because it feels like he's the only one who went out of his way to become friends with me regardless of who my sister is and I really appreciate that.


I tug on tight, high waisted light blue jeans and a flowy black crop top with thin straps that loop over at the back. Along with black boots with a six inch heel and i finish my look with a smoky eye style makeup and straightening my unruly thick curls. I grab my phone and shove it into my front pocket as i bolt down the stairs to hear Xavier's motorcycle zooming off. I rush out onto the front porch in time to see the back of Xavier's bike pulling away with my sister clinging to him and i growl in anger. Not only did they leave me stranded here but he chose her over me just like everyone else. My eyes burn with unfallen tears but i stop myself from crying so i don't ruin my makeup that took me over half an hour to get even.

After sitting around in the living seriously considering just changing into sweatpants and drowning my sorrow in a movie marathon Vince offers me a ride which i gratefully take. We pull up outside the large, rowdy house as i say my thanks and jump out of the car walking carefully towards the front door. It flings open easily with a push and i am immediately engulfed by the crazily loud cheers of people.

After a few hours of dancing carelessly with a bunch of people i would usually never associate with and a large drink of vodka i stroll around in search of Chris. I am in no means drunk at all only very tipsy due to the shitty diluted vodka that's barely even classified as alcohol. So when i round the corner and see Chris and Lola playing tonsil tennis I suddenly feel sick to my stomach especially as he murmurs how much work he's gone to befriending me just to get close to Lola. I feel as though he's torn my heart and stomped on it harshly no that would've been less painful than this.

I run through the house wanting nothing more than to go home and cry until a large figure stops me. I groan out in pain as my head comes into harsh contact with a rock hard chest. Xavier grabs my wrist and glares at me angrily "look who decided to show up" he says in a mocking tone and i sigh heavily attempting to push past him but he stops me grabbing hold of my wrist. I stare at his fingers encasing my wrist in a fleshy bracelet "what do you want?" i ask and he sneers 

"i really can't believe you came with that piece of shit instead of with me but where is he now?" he asks and tears tug at my eyelids begging to fall. I hang my head as he continues "i mean how pathetic can you get? thinking he was actually interested in getting to know you?" i bite don on my lip as his harsh words dig into me. he flicks his eyes over my body and shakes his head "i can definitely tell why everyone chooses Lola" he finishes and i yank my hand from him stumbling backwards a bit.  

My tears begin to fall steadily down my face and his dark eyes soften "no wait i didn't mean that stuff i just--" i cut him off angrily "yes you did but it's fine you're just saying what everyone's been thinking" i say before turning on my foot "so thanks for that" i choke out bitterly before running from the dreaded party tears blurring my vision the whole way home as Xavier's desperate cries off my name fade into muffled noise as his words play through my head like a broken record and the worst thing is he's right.

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