Chapter 10: Cagna

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I giggle as Chris shifts uncomfortably under Vince's intense stare who is glaring daggers at him "so Chris will you be staying for dinner?" He asks spitting out his name as though its poison on his tongue. Vince is great in that respect he gives off an intimidating dad vibe towards any boys me or Lola bring home regardless of the fact that he isn't actually our dad. Chris begins to make an excuse but mum interjects with a large grin "oh no you must stay then you can meet the rest of the family" she adds and Chris gives in easily.

"Jesus Christ thank god that's over I thought he was going to kill me for a second there" he says once Vince is out of earshot and I laugh at his obvious discomfort "come on let's go make a start on the project" I say but Vince shouts from the living room
"Keep the door open" I blush deeply and mutter profanities under my breath as Chris chuckles.

After an hour of hardworking later we both decide to take a break and Chris remarks on how different my room looks to what he thought it would. "Dinners ready you two" my mum shouts up the stairs so we trudge down them and I mentally prepare myself for the embarrassment as I'm sure Chris does to. We take our places at the table and yet again I'm sandwiched between Xavier and Chase who keeps eyeing Chris warily.

"Rory you're not dating him are you?" Chase asks and is shake my head
"Good because he's nice and all but not for you" he adds wisely and I stare at my younger brother curiously. Xavier barks out a short laugh and I swivel my head to look at him who's been listening in our conversation "I'll bare that in mind chase" I reply moving my attention back to him and he nods happily. I tune back into the table discussion just in time to hear a very awkward question "so Chris what are you to Rory?". Oh god help me now!!
I sit next to Chris who is rambling on about some new horror film that sounds incredibly boring from the parts I actually cared to listen to. Yet my mind was trained on a particular well built, dark eyed mysterious beauty who kept glancing my way from across the crowded canteen. He yet again had a tall blonde perched on his lap as he he whispered something in her ear making her erupt into giggles. Jealousy surged through my body as I watched her hand creep up his thigh and her other one fiddle with his soft dark hair.

It's then that he makes direct eye contact with me and begins to walk over to us the fake blonde Barbie in tow. "Mind if we sit?" He asks lazily but before we can respond he chucks his food on the table and sits opposite me the girl sitting yet again on his lap. Like seriously does she need glasses can she not see the empty chair right next to him I raise my eyebrow in question at them but shrug it off and strike up conversation with Chris.

My jaw is clenched as it's the only thing keeping me from pulling the over exaggerating giggler by her fake ass extensions and punching him in the face. The whole way through mine and Chris' conversation all we could hear was there not so discreet flirting and let me tell you this it is sickening. "What are you staring at?" The blonde rudely asks and I sneer "obviously a retard" I retort and she glares at me as Xavier stifles a laugh.

"I am not a retard you bitch" she says and I raise an eyebrow at her
"Sure but I must say I don't think I've ever met a teenage girl who's incapable of sitting in her own seat so I must ask are you just blind or just plain stupid?" I ask feeling tha anger surge through my veins yet again "you can't talk to me like that slut" she stutters and I sigh dramatically " there there--" I pause where I should've said her name "I would ask for your name but I truly don't care and I am not the slut I think you'll find that's you"I say simply smiling and she scowls at me gasping at what I just said
"Baby tell her" she says pouting at Xavier who's grinning like a madman
"Hey girls girls calm down there's enough of me to go round" he says with a smirk and I scoff distastefully as the girl looks at him with puppy eyes
"Don't worry Cagna no need to get upset" he says gent,y and she smiles at me but I grin
"I love it when you talk Italian" she purrs resting her hands on his chest.
"Oh me to" I reply gleefully and he smirks with realisation of what I'm about to do and she glares at me as I gather all my belongings "oh and just so you know you really should skip foreign languages class" I say and she looks at me with a perplexed expression as I bend down to whisper in her ear " because Cagna it means bitch" I whisper before giving them a salute and walk away humming to myself.

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