Chapter 2:Family dinner

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Xavier's POV
Smiley, so fucking smiley I mean how in hell do their faces not hurt? I can barely muster a smile for more than five seconds let alone an hour. This past hour has been torturous all I've done is listen to boring holiday stories I could careless about and answer the thousands of questions Kimberly has asked since I stepped into the obscenely clean house.

I mean seriously how much bleach did this lady go through to get the house this clean at home my mum would only clean around once a month and sometimes not even that. I could already smell the strong mouth watering smells of lunch cooking. My mum was never a cook not even when she was with my dad we only ordered takeouts or ate out. My mums a music instructor and always goes around humming something all the time so to have a properly cooked meal was a nice change I guess.

I really didn't want to come here today but my mum forced me into the car she said she has had enough of my criminalistic ways and until I sort myself out I'm staying with dad  and his family. Oh the fun of it I wouldn't mind but so far they've done nothing but kiss my ass and tell me how happy they are I'm staying with them well except for the younger boy who seems uninterested in anything to do with me.

I edge closer to the photos situated on the walls and table and shelves that decorate the whole side of the room. Lauren or lily something I dunno keeps edging herself closer to me and pointing out pointless cheerleading or sport trophies that are hers and telling me the stories behind them. She's hot yeah I'm not knocking that but she's way to desperate plus she's my stepsister so she automatically makes the do not bang list.

I raise my eyebrow at the pictures which all have another girl in them and chase smiles a happy tooth grin at me "that's Rory she's the nicer sister" he emphasises pointing at her I nod now I remember dad did say how she had two daughters. Well I guess this one had to go on the list as well shame really.

"So why isn't she part of the welcome home committee?" I can't help but ask and chase laughs "she doesn't like new people" he says simply and I raise an eyebrow at him ever since I stepped into this house they've never once mentioned the second daughter. What was she like a possessed troll or something that they rather not know? "What do you mean by the nicer sister?" I ask and chase grins
"Oh she has loads of instruments and she teaches me how to play I'm not very good though and she always plays Xbox games with me and watches all the new films with me she even takes me to the cinema herself every other weekend" chase rambles his eyes shining as he talks about this mystery girl she does sound pretty awesome curse that list.

"So I'm guessing these are your other daughters then?" I ask casually pointing at the trophies behind me to Kimberly who nods slowly and Lola scowls at me when I mention her damn what is wrong with this girl has she got three heads? "Ah yes chase why don't you go get Rory she should already be down here I did tell her" Kimberly states and chase nods before sprinting away.

We all sit in uncomfortable silence until we hear a monotonous rhythm of footsteps on the stairs. Chase sprints in and sits next to me on the cream coloured sofa cream really? I wait in anticipation to marvel at this girl who possibly had two heads I wonder what it would be like to screw a girl with two heads? Well I could always find out I guess.

The door swings open and I look up to see the hottest girl I've ever seen! I mean damn she has glossy chocolate curls that frame her soft heart shaped faced perfectly. She has full rosy lips and a light dusting of freckles on her nose not to mention her body is curvy in all the right places her body is any mans dream. I scratch my chin to ensure I'm not drooling and then I get up and go over to her she fiddles nervously with the wooden stitching on her oversized jumper. I look over at her smooth honey coloured bare shoulder ugh I just wanted to bite it instead I engulf her in a strong hug and she stiffens noticeably "maybe I can introduce myself better later tonight lets say your room?" I whisper and she shoves me off "get off me you asshole" she shouts and I my eyes widen in shock.

A girl has never turned me down ever who is this girl? I turn to see everyone staring at us with wide eyes "I'm sorry I never realised I wasn't allowed to hug I've never had a sitter before" I say innocently throwing my hands up in surrender but Kimberly coos at my innocence "it's ok sweetie we are a very affectionate family hugs are of course allowed" she nods and glares angrily at Rory who sighs heavily before shuffling back out of the room.

"Sorry about her" Kimberley apologises and I shake my head oh please don't apologise she might just be the only thing I can use to pass the time here.

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