Chapter 22: New girl

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My perfectly manicured nails, courtesy of Violet, tap out a brief message to Xavier against the smooth screen of my phone. I had decided to come to school half an hour earlier than usual and just sit in the library reading so I wouldn't have to face Xavier and chance having a mental breakdown. After several seconds of scrolling through my various social media sites I hear a round of gasps causing my head to jerk up nothing exciting happens in this town ever.

A tall girl stood with a hip jutted to one side, her right arm draped across her slender body, clasping the elbow opposite. Her head lolled down to one shoulder casting her straight orange hair onto the tight halter neck that was currently stitched into her skin and a pair of cut off denim shorts that could've been mistaken for a belt. Her makeup was flawless and she had large round brown eyes outlined by thick, chalky back lines that seemingly narrowed as she surveyed everyone.

Her fruity perfume invades the entire length of the corridor as she sprays it manically before tucking it back into an expensive designer handbag. Realising I too was staring along with the entire male population of the school I turn quickly round and slam my locker shut. "Baby where were you this morning?" A husky voice asks as I lift my head to meet that oh so familiar gaze "uh I um nowhere?" I stammer but it comes out more of a question and he quirks an eyebrow up in a teasing manner.

Staring at him makes me remove all those awful feelings his made me endure yesterday when he was out God knows where. I open my mouth to ask something about his disappearance but he quickly crashes his lips to mine and all rational thoughts abandon my brain. His warm, soft lips move against mine in a perfect rhythm and he nibbles my lip asking for entrance which I decide to deny but his hands that have now snaked down to my waist squeezes my hip and I gasp in surprise allowing him to plunge his tongue into my mouth.

He battles with my tongue in a domineering way and he wins as I continue to lose myself in submission to his toe curling, head reeling kiss. Finally he releases the impending torturous bliss on my mouth and leans his forehead against mine panting heavily our breath mingling together happily "I love you" he whispers sincerely nod I fall victim yet again to those deep, meaningful hues of his eyes "I love you too" I whisper emotionally feeling on the verge of tears and he shoots me a worried look.

But before he opens his mouth to question my odd hormone driven behaviour a high pitched nasally voice squeals his name "XAVY!!" I look behind his tall muscular build that currently hugs my body to witness the new girl staring at us impatiently shooting me a deadly glare "I've missed you so much" she announces suggestively placing her hand on his shoulder as he turns round.

A burning sensation shoots through the pit of my stomach and sloshes against my insides like pits of fire from hell. My blood slowly heats and begins to simmer in my veins working its way harder through my body causing me to flush from cold to sweltering hot in several minutes and a throbbing begins in my head as my heartbeat quickens causing my breathing to thicken and for sweat to form on my forehead. Jealousy.

Ugh it's a heinous feeling one everyone detests yet we cannot stop it nor can we ever prevent it. It's like a predator awaiting its prey calmly,silently in its hiding spot ready to pounce and ruin yet another innocent life with its evil, twisted plots and the gnarled ideas it leaves running through your minds at the very thought of the word..jealousy.

Yet somehow I cannot help but feel this rush of emotion as it overlaps my body engulfing me completely as I study the pointy, plastic nails caressing my boyfriends shoulder. However what does cool my raging temper is the ugly scowl Xavier currently sports "get lost Vanessa" he says and I open my mouth to agree and give her a piece of my mind but it quickly snaps shut.

He knows her? I know she said his name but the entire school population know his name he's a player it's hard not to. She smirks at my reaction triumphantly and then thoughts race through my mind quickly her name seems so familiar but why?

I tune out of their heated debate with one another and closely analyse her tight features that are currently pulled into a grimace the tight lines of her makeup threatening to crack under the strain of her face. Then it hits me suddenly, his ex girlfriend Vanessa it's her,she's here. "Well done you're not as stupid as you look" she remarks and I stare at her quizzically before mentally face palming myself for saying that aloud "anyways your job here is done I've come to take him back" she admits keeping her tone sugary sweet and finishing with a smile that shrieks bitch.

"I told you We. Are. Over" Xavier stresses gripping onto my waist as I step closer to her ready to cut a bitch "but baby I thought that was all a misunderstanding" she says simply but before we can reply she shrugs with a giggle "whatever's can't wait to see why classes we have together anyways gotta go ta ta" she chimes air kissing Xavier and running a bony finger down his chest seductively before batting her eyelashes one last time and strutting off down the corridor waving people out of her way manically.

I turn to glare at Xavier who smiles sheepishly and I roll my eyes before shaking my head and walking in the opposite direction him following hot on my heels. "Princess it's nothing like that I promise" he starts and I swirl round to face him causing him to stop abruptly "sure it's not" I say tightly plastering on a fake smile
"Don't do that baby" he whines and I shrug half heartedly
"Do what?" I ask innocently and he groans before grabbing me and pulling me flush against his chest "listen I love you and only you I promise she was a thing of the past she cheated on me I could never, ever go back to her she's changed and she can try all she wants but there's only one girl I have my eyes on" he breathes out and I blush bright red the butterflies in my stomach deciding to have a dance party and I burrow my head into his neck "I guess you're right I love you and I trust you Xavier" I admit shyly and he grins at me before intertwining our hands "good because I trust you with all my heart".

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