Chapter 3:School

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Rory's POV
I walk out of my room and head towards my bathroom across the hall but stop at the sight of a broad and very muscular back "um what are you doing?" I ask rudely to the rippling muscles and he spins round grinning at me. Swoon oh cheese balls he really is perfect.

His hair itself is spun like black silk, each thread falling perfectly, weaving together into glossy dark hair that frames his chiselled face beautifully. I watch as he reaches up to rub his eyes, his nose is straight and acquiline, his full pink lips perfectly formed and parted slightly, his breath moving in and out in steady streams of air. I meet his stormy grey eyes that's hold so much emotion yet detachment at the same time framed by his long thick black lashes.

Not to mention his amazingly sculpted torso that has sharp, refined ridges I just want to run my hands down--- woah woah woah slow the carousel!! No need to get carried away now Rory I bite my lip before travelling my eyes back up his body to his perfectly sculpted strong jaw. He chuckles deeply "baby if you wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask" he whispers huskily and I shudder slightly at his words
"Yeah don't flatter yourself" I say before pushing past him and into the bathroom "and put some clothes on" I yell from inside the bathroom
"Why do you wanna help?" he yells back before retreating his laughter reverberating off the walls and my cheeks flush a deep tomato red damn him.

I run down the stairs and delve into the fridge before turning round to a fully dressed Xavier. Damn he looks good even in a uniform he's wearing a tight white shirt that strains over his muscular body and ripped black skinny jeans instead of the customary black trousers. Black and white vans situate themselves on his feet and he wears a large leather jacket over it all with the gold and red striped tie loose around his neck. He's so gonna be one of the popular kids.

"Boo" he says and I jump to which he responds by chuckling and then mum comes in snatching the food from my hands and replacing it with a salad she prepared for me. What am I a rabbit? Xavier watches us curiously and I roll my eyes at my mum before flinging it into my bag just as Lola prances in and takes the food I originally got from the fridge. "Come on then guys" she says smiles widely
"Since when did you ever walk with me?" I ask and she giggles
"All the time silly" she says and Xavier laughs full on at her irritated gaze I shrug and grab my black leather rucksack.
"Have a lovely day at school Xavier make some new friends and don't be scared to ask Lola where anything is if you're lost" mum says as we slam the door.

Xavier frowns and stuffs his hands into his jeans pockets as we walk down the road in utter silence. "So Xavier..." Lola drones whilst adjusting the black school skirt into a record breakingly short length. I tune out their whole conversation well Lola's conversation and Xavier's occasional grunting. "Rory, Rory,RORY!" Lola yells snapping her fingers in my face and I stare at her confused "yeah what?" I ask and she smiles tightly "I said you have your own set of friends don't you?" and I nod slowly I guess if you count books as friends and the ninety something year old librarian.

I don't really talk to many people so I don't really have many friends if not any at all but I don't really mind, my music and books keep me company what else do I need they can't stab me in the back or continuously put me down. I stalk off hurriedly into the sea of people ready to get to my locker before anyone else is there leaving a bored Xavier with an overexcited Lola.

Xavier's POV
I walk around confused as hell to where I'm meant to be since when did room numbers have letters in them? I can't actually remember the last time I set foot inside a school but I promised to actually try this time dad would be so pissed if I ruined my new start this early on. That and Rory intrigued me this morning as to how she looked once asked about her friends. I continue to wander the empty corridors until I hear loud talking and walk towards it seeing a large group of kids surrounding someone "hey loser I heard you're on a diet now about time too" a girl says in a nasally voice as one of the boys pipes up "I dunno I wouldn't want to starve those curves not when we could have so much fun with them" he laughs and all the other boys agree by whistling or staring.

I roll my eyes ready to turn around before I lose any brain cells until I hear a soft gentle voice speak "just leave me alone" I sigh and with all my force step into the group "do ya mind?" I ask grabbing hold of Rory's arm and dragging her out of the circle glaring at anyone who opened their mouth to protest and it sent many boys cowering and girls staring at me provocatively.

"Um t-thanks" Rory stutters glancing down at her small fragile hands I stare at her bewildered this is not the same sassy girl who told me to put some clothes on this morning. "Whatever now tell me how to get to room 114B" I demand and she glances up at me grinning a new twinkle in her eye "sure thing" she laughs as I hand her my schedule.

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