Chapter 5: Give you hell

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Rory's POV
Kissing him is so damn good like my whole body has been lit on fire there was no fireworks but I never expected them. The whole kiss is so explosive like I'm constantly erupting into little bursts of pleasure.

"Xavier sweetie have you seen Aurora?" My mum shouts down the corridor and my eyes fling open as I detach myself from a protesting Xavier "no" he yells and then grabs me by the waist pulling me towards his body "Xavier what if she comes in?!" I whisper yell and he chuckles "you're so cute when you're worried" ohmigosh did he just call me cute my face goes ten shades of red and he laughs again.

I suddenly feel a huge pang of guilt flash across my chest when I realise what we've just done I just kissed my stepbrother! A boy I've only known for a week!shit. I shake my head as he stares at me "aww blush again you'd make an awesome tomato" he says nuzzling into my neck I pull myself away from him "I hate you" I state and he laughs again kissing me swiftly one last time "hate me some more I'm loving it" he mumbles into my neck and I curse softly.

He shrugs carelessly as I shove him off and sits backwards on my desk chair "well the lessons have begun we'll start with a list" he says and I give him a confused look what the hell is he talking about "a list of crazy things you want to do but don't at school" he smiles and I almost laugh if I did everything I wanted at school I would almost definitely be expelled.

After a few minutes I hand him my list
1. Completely trash Mrs Tritons classroom
2. Superglue a teacher to her chair
3. Spray paint the corridors
4. Steal confidential files and mess them up
5. Prank call students parents/ teachers
6. Get a tattoo
7. Sit on the popular table for lunch and kick them out of it
8.punch Xavier
9. Go for a joyride on Xavier's motorcycle and maybe crash it
10. Other things that are none of your goddamn business
11. Start a food fight

He raises an eyebrow reading it and gasps once he reaches the bottom of my list "well it's a good start I guess we can definitely rule out anything harming me or my baby" he says and I have to hold back a laugh but his pout is too damn cute. "I will find out what number ten entails though gattina" he says and I roll my eyes
"Good luck deficiente" his eyes widen
"You know Italian?" He asks seemingly dumbfound I shrug
"A bit I guess my dad used to teach me" I say and immediately regret it as his stormy eyes flood with questions.

"So when are we going to start my list?" I ask attempting to change the subject and successfully succeed when he sits up straight "ah probably tomorrow we can't start with number one and two" he says and I nod biting my bottom lip
"Let's give them hell" I giggle and he nods grinning before I can continue.
"We can get the glue from vinces toolbox in the shed" I say and continue to bite my lip in deep thought "bambino if you keep biting that lip I will have no choice but to rip your fucking clothes off" he says his eyes dark with lust and of using on my bottom lip.

I decide to tease him and bite down on it some more to which he groans "bambino I swear unless you want me to fuck you hard right here then by all means carry on" I shiver as he curses in his deep sexy baritone. I open my mouth to respond but he captures my words in a bone crushing kiss and backs me up against the wall "gattina I warned you about this" he mumbles kissing his way down my neck and sucking intensely when he finds a soft spot. I moan gently at the action and he grins against my neck as I thread my hands through his silky black hair but then I come crashing back to reality and push him off of me "we can't--" I begin but he cuts me off
"Oh but baby we can" he says before kissing me once more and leaving the room swiftly.

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