Chapter 18: Forbidden

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Rory's POV

I watch in rage, tears rolling down my face uncontrollably, my throat hoarse from screaming for her to stop and listen to us. Xavier grabs my face in both of his large hands and presses his forehead to mine "baby I promise this isn't the end not by a long shot" he says and tears continue to fall as he presses a kiss on my forehead "I love you and nothing will change that ever" he promises and I stare at him "I love you too" I admit and he laughs kissing me on the lips but he's coldly snatched away from my embrace as my mum pushes him down the stairs. 

"leave and never come back but most of all never ever come in contact with my daughter again or i'll call the police" she screams and he shakes his head before trying to reason with her calmly but she screams at him to leave before she calls the police and he sighs before grabbing his keys and walking to the door "I love you baby I promise it'll be OK" he yells before the door bangs shut and my mum rounds the corner a crazy look in her eye. 

After several hours of sobbing in my room I stand up and creep down the stairs. Mum went crazy and locked all of the doors and windows before hiding my phone telling me i'm tainted if I stay with that boy he'll lead me to death and destruction. My body yearns for his touch and my mind even misses his stupid comments and constant sexual innuendos. I find my phone in the crowded kitchen drawer and send a text to both Lola and Xavier saying not to worry i'll be fine and that I was going to stay with Xavier. Setting my phone into my back pocket I scribble a quick note to my mum and then grab my jacket, money and keys. 

I silently unlock the door and walk to the nearest bus stop I have to see Xavier and if that meant losing mum then so be it. I love him and so far he's been there for me more than my mum ever was or is for that matter. I ignore the continuous buzzing from my phone against my skin and take a seat on the bus that slowly drives along. 

The two old ladies at the front of the bus keep shooting me wary glances probably because I look a mess right now. My black jeans have massive rips in them, my baggy grey t-shirt that hung of my left shoulder and had wet stains running down it. My hair was wild and sticking up in odd places and mascara was trailing down my red cheeks like two thick slugs. The druggie boy sitting behind me kept his hood up and looked at me suspiciously as I shoot him a deadly glare and press my pounding head on the cold glass of the window. 

I jump off the bus as soon as I begin to recognize the surrounding shops and the diner that Xavier constantly bragged about. I stare at the cafe that lies ahead, its royal blue paint glistening in the first shiny glints of the moon. I can see the rain drops that cling, jewel-like to to the name, "Gloria's." Outside the sidewalk that will bustle in a few short hours is quiet, the concrete oblivious to whether it is midday or midnight. 

My face smirks upward at the sight of Xavier leaning against the window a hand running through his messy black hair the thin shirt outlining the rippling muscles underneath. Oh what id do to kiss those abs those perfectly lickable abs-- wait no. Stupid Rory get your mind out of the gutter and think about the problem in hand here. He smirks back at me his eyes trailing the length of my body and then he begins to walk towards me my breath hitching and my limbs and insides turn to goo. "Is that my shirt?" he asks leaning in close enough so I can smell his deep warm scent and feel his lips gently brush against my ear. 

I giggle "maybe.." he rolls his eyes before lowering his head and capturing my lips in a harsh kiss, strong and urgent like none before. "you sure about this?" he asks against my lips his eyes looking deeply into mine and I nod "yes I want to stay with you" I admit stubbornly and he nods before stepping back and pulling me to him. 

After the short walk to his mums flat I have the urge to speak "how'd ya know where to find me?" i ask and he laughs "you were on your way to see me but I doubt you'd remember the directions all you'd recognize was the cafe so here we are" I smile up at him and he opens his mouth to say something but it snaps shut when His mum pulls me into a spine breaking hug. "Oh honey Xavier told me everything just know I am here for you guys always" she says and my eyes begin to tear up at her kindness "I was wondering if I could possibly stay here" I say and she nods cutting me off before I get the chance to explain "sweetie you stay as long as you need I have no trouble with it and I'm sure Xavier definitely doesn't" she says giggling and Xavier groans "alright mum we're going to my room now" he says and she nods before shouting up to us "keep the door open and use protection" I laugh fully as Xavier blushes slightly. 

His mum leaves for her date and told us not to wait up Xavier looks at me and smirks "you know what my mum was saying about protection" he begins but I cut him off squealing my cheeks flushing "shut up X" I yell shoving him playfully and he laughs at me before brushing the stray hair behind my ear and glancing at my lips then back to my eyes. He pauses the movie and kisses me full force. 

WARNING-explicit mature content skip if you don't want to read!!

His arms wrap around my back and in one gentle pull our skin touches. I feel his hand in my hair, how he loves the softness, watching it tumble as he releases it. Then his hand moves down my cheekbones to my lips. That's when the kissing starts again and we start to move like partners in a dance that is written in our DNA. Our bodies fit together as if we were made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm. With a laugh he lifts me right off my feet, carrying me toward the bed, letting me fall with a soft bounce on the mattress. We lock eyes for just a moment, just enough for us to feel safe with one another. Then he's all business, undoing my jeans, pulling them off, kissing from my toes upward, slowly, his hands on my legs, always just a little higher than the kisses. I feel my back arch in anticipation, knowing where his fingers will soon reach. My head rocks back against the pillow as he does, the first moan escaping my lips.  

 Before I know how it happened we are naked and our skin is moving softly together, like the finest of silk. I feel his hand enter from below moving fast, our tongues entwined in a kiss. He lowers himself and poises at my entrance he looks up at me one last time asking for permission and I nod a moan escaping my lips as he continues to tease me gently before thrusting in hard. I suck in a sharp breath and he stills regret showing in his eyes but I pinch his back to motion for him to keep moving as the stinging soon wears off.  

 He's inside, changing my breathing with every thrust, hearing my moans timed to his body. Then all at once he stops and kisses from my breasts to my stomach, his hands light; then he's licking and using his fingers all at once, watching my reaction, feeling how my legs move, watching my body writhe. "I love you" he whispers huskily and I just let out a moan, unable to articulate a response. In seconds he's on me again thrusting in gently at a painstakingly slow pace but quickening as soon as my breath stops catching in my throat. He thrusts harder and deeper as my body becomes completely and utterly intoxicated by him. 

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