Thanks For 2 Million

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I had realized a while ago that I've never really thanked all you readers that don't follow me for two million. I know I know, you guys are probably like AMANDA YOU'RE ALMOST AT THREE MILLION! which I am but right now I'm thanking you for two million because frankly I know my story sucks a lot but you guys are the sweetest and actually say you enjoy it.

Thank you so much babes and also thank you so much for helping me almost reach 3 million. I know I'm not longer updating this story but the fact that some people continue to read it is amazing!

I wish good luck to everyone else that's writing a story and hope you have the same amazing luck I have had!

Thanks my little ducklings! Luff you!

~Amanda xx

Kik: 1DLuver9932

Twitter: Amanda_Nicholee

Emma From Sweet Love's Twitter: Em_Stylez

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