• twenty one: part two •

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Sunday, April 2
Petersburg, Virginia

I honestly should've done this weeks ago. I don't know why I let myself think that Trey needed almost two months to get his shit together, but his time is up. I need him back and if he's not coming to me, then I'm coming to him.

Lala is the only one who decided to join me on this trip for support. Bey has a lot of things to handle in LA so she can't leave, Michelle don't ever like to travel with me, and I still wanna fight Solange petty ass so she damn sure wasn't going anywhere with me. I'll see about her as soon as I get back to LA though.

We just touched down at the airport and we're headed to the hotel we'll be staying at.

"How you feeling boo?" Lala inquired as we walked out of the airport.

"I don't know, La," I sighed. "I'm ready to get Trey back but for some reason I feel like it won't be easy."

"What? Kels, he literally worships--"

"The ground I walk on, yeah yeah." I groaned. "But does he really? Cause if he did, he wouldn't have left me for this long."

"Eh...you got a point," she mumbled. "But y'all will be alright. Before you know it, you'll be riding his dick as if he never left."

"Bitch!" I laughed. "You always talking about dick."

"It's a way of life," she shrugged.

I shook my head. She ain't lying though.

We arrived outside and approached the Range Rover that would be our transportation for the next couple of days. We placed our carry-ons in the trunk and made our way into the back seats.


After putting our stuff down in our hotel room, we finally decided to make our way to Trey's mother's house. I'm saying "finally decided" cause it took a lot of convincing for me to even leave the hotel. I wanna see him of course, but I don't think I'm ready to experience all the emotions I had built up inside of me. It's so many things I wanna say to him and I don't think I'm ready. And plus, he's not even expecting me, so I don't even know how he's gonna react. But Lala's aggressive ass literally dragged me out of the hotel by my arm. So here we are, in front of his house.

I couldn't help but smile as we walked onto their lawn. All the memories of the times I've spent here entered my mind. When Trey and I became really close years back, I would always come to Virginia with him. I became so close to everyone that every time his family had a function, I was always invited. They swore Trey and I were dating so they considered me a part of the family. I became especially close with Trey's mom, April. She became someone that I can turn to for advice and I loved her as if she was my own mother. However, I haven't seen or spoken to her or any other member of Trey's family since that time Trey and I had lost contact.

"You just gon stand there, or you finna ring the doorbell?" Lala asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I mean you could've done it, instead of standing here watching me all this time." I rolled my eyes, sighed, and proceeded to ring the bell.

"Who the hell tryna come up in my house this early in the day?" I heard Mama April shout from inside the house. I turned and looked at Lala and we laughed.

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