You will pay for that Sister or half Sister-whatever.

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"So... Klaus, its over? Everything we had?"

He gave an almost polite smile, "It'll always be there, love. Always. But for now, I don't think the idea of 'us' is going to work."

I nodded. "You'll never really fall for a girl I guess."

He chuckled, "You were quite close."

"Was I?"

He gave a slight nod, "I think I've fallen though, for a girl."

For the tinest moment, I thought he was talking about me, but after all this... obviously not. It hurt a little. I thought I was the only girl who attracted Nik, I loved that. "Well... who is it?"

He laughed, "You don't sound happy about it."

"I'm not! I thought it was always going to be me!"

"But I always knew you had a thing for Damon."

*Paris 1938*

Surprisingly enough, I met Nik again after what happened in 1920 at Gloria's. He refused to explain what had happened that evening, but I didn't push it. We met at a bar in Paris when I saw him sucking the life out of a brunette. He noticed my presence immediately and we've been together for two weeks now.

I hate to admit it, but I missed this guy.

Saturday evening, we were walking back from some restaurant.It was cold, dark and the entire place was empty. Like a horror  movie. Of course, we were the ghosts.

We were carelessly laughing about something until I heard one very familiar voice and my laugh died. He screamed and it hurt. I knew Nik noticed, but he didn't seem too worried about the screaming vampire, as if it were extremely normal. I would think so too, if it weren't him.

"D-Damon!" Not giving Nik time to think, I ran.

I ran for at least a minute or two before getting there. He was right in front of me. Blood splattered all over him. He looked so helpless, it killed me.


He looked up immediately. And so did the eight men around him. All vampires, with Damon's blood on their hands and face. I felt so angry. Without another word, I charged at the one in front.

They seemed amused that I was trying to fight them, but they didn't know what was coming for them. I being the very cool person I am, lit them all on fire. Their screams filled my ears.

I watched lividly as all of the vampires that had dared to attack my brother fall to the ground in pain, I saw my reflection in one of the dusty windows in the alley, my lips twitched and I felt myself smiling in satisfaction, since when were witches blood thirsty creatures?

“You didn't have to do that for me Megan, I could have handled them.” Damon murmured closing his eyes, “But thank you.” he whispered passing out on the cold damp pathway, leaning up against the garbage disposal unit.

“But I did, remember Damon? Family, forever and always,” I whispered pressing my hand over his neck and the other on his chest, "And besides, I'm the only one who can really kill you." I could feel his heart beating faintly through his jacket.

He gave the scratchiest laugh before burying his head in my chest and shutting his eyes close.

I will always remember how much pain it caused me seeing my brother like that, and although I didn't know it then, I think that was the night I started developing un holy feelings for the closet thing to a family I have ever and will ever have.

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