What does the fox say? MEOW BIATCHES!!

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Everyone had finally calmed down after the massive water fight Megan and Macenna had instigated.

All four of us witches were sitting in our 'Witch lair' as Megan liked to call it; she had also hung pictures of batman all over the walls.

"We could just jinx her?" Megan suggested.

"Megan I already said no to that," Macenna said.

"We could lock her in the cells under the house?" she suggested again.

"Megan." I warned.

You may think that we're talking about Mathews mother, but no, we are actually discussing the major pain in our butts, Damon's 'angel' Aquarelle, who purposely threw my athame dipped in witch hazel at Megan, I thought it was hilarious until I saw the blood pouring out of Megan's head where the athame had lacerated her neck, she refused blood to heal it too.

She had this look of intense contemplation on her face "Or... I could just get Klaus to make her tap a vein" she said drawing everything out to far.

"No, absolutely no," Bonnie said glaring at Megan who just pouted in return.


"End of story Megan!" I snapped getting up and grabbing our coats.

"Caroline will be looking for you three" I said narrowing my eyes

Macenna groaned "Ugh, yeah I remember another decade dance"

"Ugh and that means shopping" Megan whined "Change of plans, I'll stay here Mac you can pretend to be me"

Macenna rolled her eyes, "I am you dick, get up she'll get mental if we aren't both there."

"Vanilla, please come along?" Megan asked, but knowing her, I knew it was more of an order.

"Alright, but its an 80s dance thing, right?"

Macenna thought about it before nodding, "Yeah Megs... its an 80s dance."

"So where will we get classy dresses?"

Megan chuckled, "My wardrobe of course."

"And who'll tell Caroline?"

"Macenna of course." Then as she turned, she spoke again, "I think Care will like the idea of wearing a dress actually from the 80s."

"I have one already," I said to the girls.

"I'm borrowing one," Macenna announced.

"I just have three. One for me, one for Macenna, one for Caroline. Bonnie, you should totally go shopping with Elena. I can just feel the excitement," she muttered sarcastically.

That's when the door opened and Damon walked in, "Megan! I've been looking for you! "

"Bad luck for you, I don't like talking to losers," she announced.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Could you please take Aqua shopping for the dance?"

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Megan screamed so hard, I think the house shook.

Damon froze. "What's wrong?"

Okay, I have to admit, bad selection of words. Megan probably noted that too, "What's wrong? Your face Damon, your face is wrong. Now I'll see you peasants around."

"Megan stop! What time are you girls going shopping?"

"Damon, sugar, do you want me to murder myself? I mean, I know we aren't getting along well, but really, you want me to die? Her voice itself annoys me to death."

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