Im the impatient child? Yeah right.

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I'd been driving around the city for the past half hour like crazy. Nothing about the coffins. I didn't want Nik to break the promise, I know it didn't make sense, but I couldn't handle Nik breaking a promise he made to me.

I stopped my car at The Grill to take a tiny break and some food, if I got any hungrier, I'd eat everyone in the town. Vampire much? Yeah...

I got in and walked into the restroom first. As I washed my hands, I saw a very familiar face in the mirror and sighed in annoyance.

"You never go die, do you?"

She laughed, "Oh no. I'm afraid not, dear. I love you too much to leave you alone."

"Yeah, you love me so much, you want to kill me mother?"


"Megan!" Damon yelled "Megan!" he growled "Megan!" he yelled one last time ripping my fingers from the table where I was tapping impatiently.

"What the hell Damon!" I yelled

He scowled at me "How the hell am I supposed to think if you're tapping away like an impatient child!" he yelled back at me

I growled "I AM AN IMPATIENT CHILD! ISNT THAT WHAT YOU'RE ALWAYS TELLING ME!" I hissed letting my fangs fall out of my mouth "GO TO HELL YOU BASTARD!" I yelled storming past Veronikah -for the second time today- who was drying her hands on a tea towel after making us- me dinner.

So let me fill you in on what's happened in the past few hours, I had spent the past three hours on a spell which would let me have permanent Vampiric senses, minus the teeth, which I picked up at a joke store.

After I explained to Veronikah what happened with my bitch of a mother she had insisted on telling Damon what happened, which lead to our argument.

"Megan you cannot just go wandering around the country side without telling us!" Damon yelled

I rolled my eyes "I'm not a child Damon" I stated "I can do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it"

He let out a low feral growl "The hell you can" he hissed "Not on my watch especially not with Stefan in killer mode, your sister, mum and Katherine loitering around! Do you know how quickly they could kill you!" he bellowed shattering the glass he had in his hand

Again I rolled my eyes it seemed like that was the only thing I could do at the moment "IM NOT A CHILD DAMON!" I yelled

"Yes you are, you're too childish to be an adult!" he yelled back not nearly as loud as me though.

"You know what? Yes I am a child! I love being me! YOU RUINED MY CHILDHOOD! SO NOW I'M LIVING IT! NOT WHEN I SHOULD HAVE BEEN" I yelled back storming out right into Veronikah's arms.

She wrapped me up in her arms muttering soothing phrases in my ear "he only wants to protect you Megan" she said pulling back

I shook my head "If he wanted to protect me he should have done it years ago" I whispered walking off into my room


Yeah I was in a bitchy mood, but you really can't blame me I mean it's not like I can control my moods even in the 1800's they tried putting me on medication which didn't work other than getting me drunk, it did help a little with my insomnia though.

Yeah they used to use alcohol as a medication for females, it sucked, but it also tasted so good this is back when my favourite drink was red wine... I was such a softie back then.

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