Now I get it.

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I blinked open my eyes and shut them again instantly, the white that was surrounding was so bright.

So this is what Hell's like?

Maybe I'm in heaven? No don't be ridiculous Megan, this is hell.

Hell's red Megan, not white

Great thinking and talking to myself, I'm going crazy.

Megan your already crazy.


So where am I exactly? I thought about the events that took place before I died. Died. Oh god, what was I thinking? Dying for that bitch Elena? Yeah, you're crazy.

Uh, no Megan, you didn't die for Elena, you died for Stefan. Your best friend, your brother. I sniffed dramatically before actually standing up to explore hell... or heaven?

*Damon Salvatore * 

She was gone. Just simply gone. In my arms. Dead. She died in my arms. And I did nothing to stop it. I thought I was this sad only when I thought Katherine died, but that, was nothing compared to this. Nothing.

"Megan?" I whispered for the hundredth time, hoping she'd surprise me or something. She didn't.

~Two hours later~

"Damon, why are you sitting on the ground? Couch not comfy?"

My eyes closed, but I didn't answer.

"Damon?" Veronikah sang. "You awake baby?" She laughed.

"Veronikah, shut up."

This definitely, she was not expecting. I heard her approaching me and then I heard the loudest gasp before she fell to her knees and held Megan's little pink head in her skinny arms. "What the hell happened!"

I squeezed my eyes shut, remembering what had happened and looked at her, "I walked in on her doing some spell. At first I thought she was practising but then when I saw the color drain out of her face and her skinny body go skinnier, I knew what she was up to. She killed herself, I don't understand why."

"She did it for Stefan. Isn't it obvious?"

I blinked again and again as realization hit me. "That-that," I fell short of words to call him. "He is going to pay."

"Damon, don't do anything too harsh."

I froze, "Why? He got Megan to kill herself. Don't you think he should pay?"

"He should, but think about what Megan wants."

"She wants revenge."

"No! She loves Stefan, that's the reason she even did this."

I thought about it before nodding. "I'll try not to kill him."

"Better," she muttered, "Oh and Damon? Let Nik know about this. He has a right to know."

I nodded and marched off.


"Well, well, if it isn't the Damon Salvatore who hated originals," said Rebekah as I stood inside her mansion.

"Nothing like that. I happen to like Veronikah."

She chuckled, "Oh yes. My twin who wouldn't behave like an original at all, just some weak human."

To say I was angry, was an understatement. "Oh yeah, that's why Megan prefers her over you. She has a heart."

She laughed, "Speaking of the devil, where is she?" My expressions softened and I think she realised. "Don't scare me," she whispered, "Where is she?"

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