Megan, she's mine.

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I stared at myself in the full length mirror that rested against the wall next to my bed. They were all lucky that they managed to get me into a dress. I Still hated Damon for giving Caroline the not-so-lovely idea of taking me shopping. I swear I'll take revenge for this.

The little VERY simple black dress I wore went only till above my knees. The black material hugged my curves, in a way that it suffocated me. Caroline wanted me to get something fancier, but I managed to convince her, by eh... threatening her.

There was a knock on my door and I already knew it was my saint of a brother, Stefan. "Come in," I whispered, knowing he could hear me.

The door opened and Stefan walked in and froze. Like, didn't even blink. I waited a few moments before clearing my throat and he started blinking rapidly, before rubbing his eyes and finally speaking. "Are you okay Megan?"

"Yes?" I nodded.

He sighed in relief. "Oh god, how are you wearing a dress?" he blabbed

I burst out laughing. "You could thank our lovely blonde vampire friend for this." I said looking at the heels I got to go with the dress. "I am lucky I'm not wearing something red and fancy." I sighed, thinking of the time I started fake crying in the shop because Care wanted me to try a long white dress. People gave her really disapproving looks.

Stefan nodded chuckling, probably imagining me in a fancy red dress. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I came here to inform you that we are leaving-Elena and I. You could come if you are uh, done with your hair and make up..."

I ended up laughing at how uncomfortable Stefan was about talking make up and hair to me. I honestly think he forgets I'm a girl sometimes. "I'll come. Just let me run an iron through my hair." I chuckled.

Before he could say anything, another voice interrupted. "You can leave with Elena, baby brother. I'll get Megan."

Turned to find Damon watching me. The moments passed before he was on the floor, laughing. It took me a while to realize that the fact that I was wearing a dress, heels and make up made him laugh. "Shut up Damon." I muttered, already embarrassed that I looked too... girly?

He chuckled a little more before sighing, "Aww, embarrassed, are we?"

"Yes! I'm wearing a frikkin' dress Damon!" I yelled before observing what he was wearing. And then I rolled my eyes. "You're not wearing anything different."

He grinned, "The advantages of not being barbie's best friend." He stated with a wink, then he looked at Stefan, "Elena's waiting, little brother."

Stefan nodded and left. I watched as Stefan walked out before walking into my bathroom for a straightener. "It'll take some time, you can wait."

"Oh yeah, I'm going down to get a blood bag. I actually came to give you a mask." He followed me into the bathroom.

Then with one swift moment he turned me around to face the mirror. He pulled out a black mask that had a thin silver border and placed it over my eyes. I smiled. "Thanks. I forgot we needed a mask."

He smiled, "I have the same mask."

"Matching masks?" I laughed, "What are we, twelve?"

"No, but I wanted us to wear the same masks...." He sounded confused.

"Sure whatever."


"Where's the Tyler chick gonna meet you?" Damon asked as he parked the car.

Before I could answer, I felt arms creep around my waist. "The Manly Tyler is here, Damon," said Tyler.

Damon gave the most disgusted look he could manage-which is pretty disgusting- before muttering a 'bye' and vanishing.

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