Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I woke up in my room taken completely by surprised as my family and our family doctor stood around my bed just staring down at me. I let out a cry as I quickly sat up and scooted towards the wall.

"What are you doing?!" I practically shouted at them. I noticed one face that stood out more than all the others as my face began to grow bright red from embarrassment as I became self conscious of my sleeping habit. Do I snore? I wasn't snoring right? Was I drooling? I don't drool do I? What is he even doing here?!

"Honey, are you ok?" Mom asked in her worried voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I complained, "are you guys ok?! What are you watching me sleep for?!" I couldn't stop staring at Satoshi feeling so embarrassed that I wanted to die. "What are you doing here, Satoshi? Its midnight!" I looked away from him looking at my clock that blatantly stated the time.

"Don't you remember?" He asked. A look of confusion crossing his face as his eyebrows knit together. I looked at him tilting my head slightly. Was I supposed to remember something? I ran through my day and thoughts trying to figure out if there was something I was missing.

"No, I don't. I just remember...." I started as I thought of the last thing I remembered, "drinking a milkshake after school with Sena and Momo. Ai had a dentist appointment today." Everyone stared at me with confused expressions on their faces. I reflected the confusion back to them. Satoshi sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Mitsuki...that was on Wednesday," he said.

"Yeah, I know," I smiled slightly laughing at his confusion, "today is Wednesday."

"Mitsuki, today is Friday," Mom said sounding alarmed.

"Okay, you guys need to check the calendar," I said disbelieving what they were trying to say. I mean how could it possibly be Friday? They had to be joking. They were all just trying to pull my leg. The fact that they brought a doctor into this was just a bit too much. Satoshi took out his phone flashing me his screen. I looked at the date with shock as the day on the phone stated, SATURDAY. "Technically its Saturday, but that is not the point! I slept for two days! Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" I didn't understand. How did I miss two whole days? My mind began to frantically jump around trying to process everything that was going on.

"Mitsuki, that's the thing," Satoshi said frowning, "you were only out for a few hours, you just fainted all of a sudden." What? I am so confused. How do I not remember these past two days?

"I..." I said covering my hands in my face letting my hair fall forward. What is even going on?

"Why doesn't she remember the past two days, doctor?" I heard my mother ask.

"I am not quite sure," The Doctor stated. "I'll have to run some tests and x-rays to make sure it's not a head injury."

"I didn't hit my head," I argued looking up before frowning, "at least, I don't think I did." The doctor sat down on the bed beside me pulling out a flashlight from his coat pocket.

"Now, Mitsuki, I need you to do me a favor," the doctor said as he turned the flashlight on and pointed it to the side of my eyes, "I need you to keep looking straight." I nodded my head as I looked straight ahead which was at Kagome who had a look of worry on her face. I gave her a reassuring smile despite the turmoil my mind was going through. The doctor did a few more procedures before he asked mom to speak with her outside. The two walked out and everyone else followed. I stayed sitting on my bed pondering how I could have forgot my memories of the past two days. The room was beginning to feel hot to me. I pulled at my neck hole uncomfortably before I decided to roll my long sleeves up to my elbows. I stopped suddenly as I spotted the purple bruises around my wrist.

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now