Chapter Eighteen: Closure

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Logan's POV

I'm fixing up my bike when Jade walks up to me. "You wanted to speak to me? She asks, hate burning in her eyes.

"Yeah... Hop on." I say patting the seat.

"Why?" She says, crossing her arms.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere to talk. "

"Then I'll take my own bike." I shrug.

"Whatever you say. Follow me." I get on and ride away. We head through the city and I look back every once in awhile to make sure she's still following me. We go pretty far, until we pull up to a diner in the woods. She's genuinely amazed by this.

"I never knew there were woods this close to te city..."

"Yeah well I have a nack for finding things like this." I tap my nose with my finger. She wipes the impressed look from her face. We walk into the diner and sit at a booth. She goes over to te fountain drinks and gets a mixture of a few sodas. I smile to myself, knowing that this is what kids do. She sits down and starts playing with the straw in her drink.

"So..." She says, dragging out the 'o'. "What exactly is your excuse for killing my brother?"

"It's a long and painful story... You willing to listen to it?"

"I mean I guess... You already dragged me out here." I take that as a yes.

"My brother and I joined this group of mutants lead by a man named Stryker." Her eyes widen at the sound of that name but she quickly hides it, "We traveled searching for what we thought would be something to help mutants, later I learned it was to be used for something else..." I gesture to my hands.

"Your claws?"

"Yeah. They used to be bone until Stryker suggested something stronger if I wanted to kill..." I pause, the memories flooding back, "my brother. So I went through this extremely painful process and now have a layer of the stuff covering my body under my skin. Which is why-"

"Which is why I can't seem to kill you."

"I was gonna say heal so fast but yeah that too. Anyways, your brother... Was one of the most talented people I had ever met. In the most serious of situations he would crack jokes." She smiles, I'm guessing that sounds just like him. "The last time I saw him... We were raiding an African village looking for more of the metal. They wouldn't tell us where they got it... Because they didnt know. Stryker ordered us to kill them." Her mouth gapes open.

"All of them?" I nod grimly.

"I told them that it wasn't for me. I left. I left my brother and all of them, including Wade." Her eyes light up even at the mention of his name. "Years later I'm happy, I found a girl... Life was good... Too good for someone like me. Stryker shows up one day, saying that someone was hunting down the members of our old team. Our 'technician's body had been found... And Wade before that..." She closes her eyes. "Want me to stop now?"

"No, keep going."

"Stryker warned me... He said Victor would come after me and I didn't listen... So one day I'm working in the woods when I smell him... I run farther until I see her... The love of my life..."

"Oh Logan... I'm sorry..."

"No don't be... Turns out she wasn't really dead then... Stryker said if she pretended to be dead he would release her sister... She did end up dying though..." Jade then does something that surprises me. She reaches across the table and grasps my hand. "So I set out to kill my brother... For revenge... I run into old friends... One of whom was killed... I hitch a ride with an escapee of the island, which is where Striker held mutants and took some of their powers... Not all of it, just enough to put inside his creation."

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