Chapter Fifty-Two| Date Night

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We defeat the Preds in a physical six games. Patrick looked great being back out there and his collarbone wasn't every a concern. The guys over at Mary Kate's foundation took great care of him and made sure he wasn't just okay to play but to be able to compete at the level we all know he could. Being on a line with Mary Kate and Hossa has been so easy. We all like to play defense as much as we like to play offense so our games match well. Next up we face the Wild in a another post season series.

After a less than good start from Crawford in the Predator series he was looking more like the Stanley cup champion goalie we all knew and loved. Patrick must really love playing them in the post season, lighting 'em up like the Christmas tree. I would have never thought he had just had a major injury. We take them down in four straight games and get some time between games. I always try to find time to spend with Mary Kate where it's just her and I, and now we have some so I planned a date tonight. "Should I wear the blue sweater or the green one" I ask Mary Kate holding both up. "I don't know because you won't tell me where we're going" she laughs. She had a good point. I throw on the navy blue sweater and blue jeans and decide it was good enough. Mary Kate decided on blue jeans and a burgundy coat with a matching hat. "You look cute" I say tapping her nose causing her to giggle. "You look pretty good yourself" she says fixing her long hair under her hat.

The first stop was to get dinner and I take her to her her favorite place, Portillos. I'm not even sure if she loved the food, but she sure did love the atmosphere. She wasn't the fancy type but enjoyed doing something special every once in a while. With the stress of playoffs I knew she would want to go somewhere she could relax. We order our food and I watch as she looks around. The place was filled of headshots of famous people that were signed when they came here, even Scotties was up there. "This place is so cool" she states. I have to admit, the atmosphere around here was pretty cool. "You ready for Anaheim" I ask. "As ready as I'll ever be. I know they play real tough so this should be interesting" she scoffs. Anaheim would be the toughest team we faced by far, their special teams were great. "If anyone tries to hit you I got your back" I say with a wink. "Are you flirting with me Mr. Toews" she asks fake shocked. "In fact I am. I kinda really like you" I whisper acting like I didn't want anyone to know. "That's crazy, I kinda really like you too" she whispers back before we both break out in laughter. It was nice to mess around like we always do even with so much on the line. We really get each other and it's cool to share so much with someone. "So, do you like playing on a line with me" I ask as we start to eat our food. "I miss being a center but I love being a winger with Hoss. You play a two way game better than anyone in the league, anyone can fight me on that. I love playing with you guys because the confidence is they're. Plus your ass looks great in hockey pants" she says assuredly. Nice to know. The owner of Portillos comes out and has her sign a picture of herself to hang up and he wishes us the best in the playoffs. I already did one and he puts her picture right next to mine. We finish up dinner and I take her to the second part of the date.

We stand atop the sears tower and look down over the city. The people looked so small in comparison to the tall buildings and Mary Kate was standing right at the edge of the box. "You aren't scared of much are you" I ask carefully making my way out to her. "I am, but curiosity usually gets the best of me" she admits admiring the night life. "How did you get us up here this late" she wonders. "I have my ways" I smirk and she rolls her eyes. I finally make it out there and grip onto her arm tightly. "Woah there, I'm going to need that arm. It's my favorite one" she jokes and I send her a glare. I'm fine with heights on planes because I can't see what's happening. But standing out here you see everything. "It's so pretty" she gasps as her eyes search the city. I start to relax and admire the sight that is the city of Chicago. I wasn't from here but I might as well be. My favorite memories and hopes and dreams grew here, I take pride in what this City does. I look over to Mary Kate who's eyes was sparkling alongside the stars in the sky. All she ever wanted to do was be great at something, she wanted to chase her dreams and make people happy along the way. It sucks what happened to her and her family. I imagine if that happened to anyone else they wouldn't be standing here right now and would have had accomplished what she did to get here. She was special in many different ways, and every day I'm thankful that her wondering heart found me. "Are there any dreams that you haven't accomplished yet" I ask and she turns to look to me. "I'm always dreaming, I get a new dream almost every day. I will never achieve all my dreams. But the big ones I had I've accomplished. I won the gold medal for my country, I'm playing for the best team in the NHL, and I found the love of my life" she finishes as my heart skips at that last part. I knew she had a bunch of dreams but I didn't know I was one of them. I pull her close to me so the space between us becomes non-existent. "There's not a single person in this world I would rather be with for the rest of my life, well except for Gretzky maybe. That would be cool" I tease and she lets out a laugh. "I feel the same way, even the Gretzky part" she giggles. I place a kiss on her lips and she meets my aggression perfectly. "This would be perfect if I wasn't so terrified still" I whisper and she hits my chest lightly. We walk off the sky deck and return home safely ready to take on the Ducks.

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