Chapter Ninteen| Ice Queen

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Mary Kate

I lace up my skates in a room full of girls who have trained their whole lives for this moment. Meanwhile I decided to do this not even a few months ago. It was relatively quiet and everyone was pretty focused, which I actually liked because it helped me stay in the zone. "Mary Kate Fletcher, is that you" a girl with short blonde hair asks. I take a good look at her and it finally hit me. "Oh my god, Vanessa" I ask as the tall blonde girl nods her head. I spring onto my skates and engulf her in a hug. We played together back in Wisconsin in rec and high school all the way up to my freshman year at the university, she was the defenseman of the year and was such a force to be reckoned with. I'm more than happy to be on the same side as her. She was like a lady Hammer. "I haven't seen you in forever. Last time I saw you, you couldn't walk. Now look at you" she says holding my shoulders. "Look at me" I repeat. By now the whole locker room was looking at me as the whispers start. This is what I was afraid of. I wasn't expecting to go this whole day without someone recognizing who I was but I wasn't trying to get noticed right off the bat. "I hope we can play together again" she says giving me another hug. I hate that we drifted apart but it was great to know someone here. "I'm so glad you're here" I admit. We talk for a little before heading out to the ice to warm up.

"Did I hear that you are Mary Kate. As in Mary Kate Fletcher" a voice sounds and I turn to see them. "Um yeah, that's me. Pleasure to meet you. What's your name" I ask sticking my hand out. "Hillary Knight. I have to say I'm a fan of yours. I came to Wisconsin a year after you left. You broke so many records in college hockey I only dreamt of catching" she say with a laugh. I knew who she was, everyone did. She was super sweet. "Thanks, what position do you play" I ask as we start stretching. "Right wing" she responds and I nod. "Hopefully we can try out on the same line. I think we could have some good chemistry" I admit. Just because I couldn't play after my freshman year didn't mean I was oblivious to what was happening to my old team. I moved but always kept a eye on my girls. She helped the team back to a national championship my junior year and I couldn't be more proud.

After stretches we work out like a practice. I work on face offs and these guys were a lot easier to face than Jonny. He got extremely competitive but it made me better. I easily win them all and move to shootouts because I love it. "If I remember right you were the best at these, right Ice Queen" Vanessa says skating up to me. "What can I say. They're my favorite" I admit. I decide to do some vintage Patrick Kane and use his speed and slick hands like he did in that one video from Switzerland from over the summer. I head down the middle and switch my hands, I go forehand and back hand about four times before drawing the goalie down and out and slipping it top shelf. I hear someone start to cheer and see a dark figure yelling in the corner before getting pulled back down. "Who is that" Hillary asks me. "I'm not sure, but I have a idea" I laugh. The figure gets pulled down and knocked outside the head, yup. Those were my boys.

We continue with try outs and I get to know most of the girls. Everyone was super excited and finally relaxed. Everyone knew everyone was good and were focused on building chemistry instead of tearing each other down. Eventually I'm out on a line with Hillary and another girl named Meghan Dugan who I actually played with at Wisconsin but not long enough to know how she plays like I would like to. We quickly mesh together and become the number one line for tryouts. We do line rushes and score on just about every one. "Okay, for someone who hasn't played organize hockey in a long time you're really fucking good" Meghan says patting my helmet. "Thanks, I always felt like I belong here" I admit. "They don't call her Ice Queen for no reason" Vanessa adds on.

Practice draws to a close and I find myself a little sad. I've come to like these girls in a short amount of time we had been together. Everyone was really good but modest at the same time, like a female Hawks team. "Alrighty girls, everyone did good today and it looks like we have our work cut out for us. You will know if you make the team hopefully by the summer so you can start training and the final team will be announced at the Winter Classic next year. As far as captains and alternate captains... we will decide that later. Good job today everyone and good luck. Mary Kate Fletcher will you please stay back so we can talk" the coach finishes and I feel my heart race. This should be good. Vanessa mouths "I'll wait for you in the locker room" and I nod as everyone exits the ice. "Yes mam" I say coming to a stop in front of her. "I thought you weren't ever going to play again" she starts. "I wasn't. You can take the girl off the ice but you can't take the ice out the girl" I admit. "So you're cleared, there shouldn't be any issues" she asks. "I've been training with the Hawks and have them look at my back often. I'm not going to lie to you, they aren't happy I'm doing this and I'm a little scared. But there isn't a thing I wouldn't do to be on this team and help them bring home gold" I say. "That's what I like to hear. And I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I'm glad you found your way back out to the ice though, I missed watching you" she says. "No need to be sorry, these things happen and if we spend our lives being sorry for ourselves nothing will come of it. As far as getting back to the ice, it's one of the best decisions ever made" I say with a smile. "Alright, I hope you decide to skate with us" she says with a smile. "Wait, does this mean I'm on the team" I ask. "There is no structured team yet, but it would be nothing without you on it. You have talent kid, you never stop trying and have the ability to change the course of a game at the lift of a pinky. We would be insane not to take you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with being back in competitive hockey" she says nodding her head. "I understand. And I won't let you down" I say shaking her hand. "Alright, now go get your little fan section. Don't think I didn't see that" she says with a wink. "I tried to tell them not to come, but they don't listen. Never do".

I head back to the locker room and find a few girls still there. I explain to those who wanted to listen that they just wanted to make sure my back injury wouldn't be a liability and I assure them I will be fine. "Holy shit, those are the Blackhawks" someone calls out and I look up to see most of the team walking in. They had practice here after the ice is tended to and probably had to wait for us to finish up. "You guys suck" I yell and everyone looks at me weird. I had to. "That's no way to talk to your boyfriend" Jonny says kissing my cheek. "Well a good boyfriend respects his girlfriends wishes" I tease him. "Corey made me come" he say pointing to Crow and he just shrugs. "Wait, you're with the Jonathan Toews" Vanessa asks me. "Yeah. Guys this is my good friend from Wisconsin Vanessa. Nessa, I'm sure you know who they are" I say. "Only the hottest team in the NHL" she scoffs. I take a shower and quickly change into my work clothes for the Hawks practice. I love the feeling of a good workout but not the smell. "You did great babe" Jonathan says kissing my temple. "Thanks, wouldn't be able to do it without you" I say.

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