Chapter Twenty-Eight| Staying Afloat

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I double check I had everything I needed for the day out on the lake. Had sun screen, towels, flip flops, snacks, what was a I missing? "Babe, have you seen my sunglasses" Mary Kate calls out, of course. "They're on the bed" I yell and put mine on. Mary Kate comes out in a hot pink bikini that made her skin look like caramel and her eyes shine extra bright. Her hair was settling around her waist but you could still see every muscle and curve on her body. "No way in hell, go change" I demand pointing to the bathroom and she rolls her eyes. "You think I'm kidding" I tease and she slips her glasses on before striking a pose. "How do I look" she asks. "Like a Victoria's Secret model, now change" I say trying to push her to the bathroom. She pulls a slick move and I totally miss her nearly falling over. "Come on Mr. Toews, you've got to be quicker than that" she teases and I grow a smirk. I leap across and tackle her onto the bed before falling into a fit of laughter. I remove the hair from her face as she continues to giggle and she finally stops. "You ready to go" I ask and she nods her head. I help her up and we were on our way.

"Oh my gosh Mary Kate! Where did you get your swim suit from" my friend Diana asks. "The Macy's on Michigan Avenue. If you ever come to Chicago I'll have to take you there, it's huge" she claims. I was happy to see Mary Kate clicking so quickly with my friends and vice versa. I know she's been around boys for most of the year so she was happy to see Diana. We all pile on the boat and take off onto the lake until we come across the little cove we always chill at. "This place is beautiful" Mary Kate gasps from beneath my arm. "You're beautiful" I say causing her to blush. "You guys are so cute" Diane comments as Mary Kate buries her face in my chest. Eventually she goes off with the girls and I'm left with my boys.

"Hey Jon, I think your girlfriend has better abs than you" one of my best friends Michael says. Mike and I have been two peas in a pod for as long as I could remember. We lived at each other's houses when we were kids and I'm happy he's always stuck around, he's a good guy. "Yeah Mike, I think she's got me there" I laugh as I watch her talk with the girls on the edge of the boat. All I could think about was how lucky I was to have her. She wasn't afraid to tell me no or do petty things just to make me happy. She genuinely cared about my feelings as well as hers, it was nice to have someone so grounded around to keep me from floating.

As the hours in the sun tick by I was finally able to relax. I see Jake go sit on the edge of he boat next to Mary Kate and I feel the fire burn inside of me. "Hey Mike, has Jake said anything about Mary Kate" I ask. I trusted her, but I know he can be a ass sometimes and this whole day he hasn't taken his eyes off her. "You sure you want to know" he asks and I look at him with my eyes squinted. "Do I" I counter and he shrugs. "You're not gonna like it" he warns and I decide that was enough for me to go get her. I make my way over when she attempts to get up until he grabs her wrist. I stop in my tracks because I know what was going to happen next. Maybe we should have told him she plays hockey, or that she has a big thing about people being disrespectful. She easily pushes him into the lake and I hear a few gasps. I finally make it to her as she looks at me sheepishly. "Sorry" she shrugs causing me to laugh. "The only thing I like better than protecting you is watching you protect yourself" I admit wrapping my arm around her waist. "You're a bitch" Jake calls out climbing back onto the boat and I guess that was my call back to reality. "I'm the bitch when you wouldn't stop hitting on me after I constantly told you I was with Jonathan and wasn't interested? Then you had the audacity to put your grimy fingers on me. You're lucky I didn't break your hand" she says stepping towards him. As much as I would lovvve to see her put this guy in his place he probably wouldn't like it as much as Pat does. "Come on, lets get a beer" I say pulling her away as Michael comes over. "Nice job" he whispers and puts his fist out for Mary Kate to fist bump him which she happily does. "God I hate guys like that" she grunts. "I have a feeling we won't have to worry about him for a while" I laugh as I see him argue with Michael.

We spend the rest of the day together and soaking up the sun. "You do realize that this is the second day in a row I've gone without training so that means tomorrow's workout is going to be freaking hell right" she reminds me as we all watch the sun set. "Would you look at that, we have two Jonny's now" Michael chirps and she playfully punches his shoulder. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be your best" she says. "It's like they're the same person" Michael yells over dramatically, he was the funny one for sure. "Give her a break, she is the only one here on a Olympic team right now" I say earning a few "ooooh"s. "You might be on team USA but we're still rooting for you" Diane says. I wasn't sure life could get any better.

We get back to the house and we both collapse on my bed. "Well beside the whole Jake thing that was fun" I admit. "I enjoyed that too" she says with a shrug causing me to laugh. "I can't wait to get out this swimsuit" she claims getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom. "I can't wait to see you out the bathing suit" I joke and she raises here eyebrow. "Is that so" she challenges and I nod. She comes back to the bed and places a knee on either side of my hips and starts kissing my jawline. "Why don't you take it off yourself then" she whispers in my ear. My hands go from her butt up her sides and I wrap the strap of her bathing suit around my finger before giving a good tug and tossing it to the floor. I roll her over so I was now hovering her and tangle my fingers in her long soft hair. Right as I was about to take things further she starts giggling, what a weird time to laugh. "What's so funny" I ask barley taking my lips off skin. "Were about to make love in your parents house" she laughs and I let out one too. "Kind of ruining the moment" I tease. "I know I'm sorry. Continue" she says and I do as I'm told.

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