Chapter Thirty| Horizon

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Mary Kate

We return to Chicago shortly after the day with the cup and we both continuing training hard. Olympic practices were about to start and luckily they were going to be here in Chicago. As September rolls by pre-season was about to start and I couldn't wait to see all the guys again. There was no lock out or questions as to who would do what, the path was pretty clear and the Hawks were looking for the first back to back Stanley cup runs since the Red Wings in the late 1990's.

"Morning Pat" I chirp as he drags himself out of his room. First practice of the season for them was today and someone still wasn't a morning person. "Coffee" he moans and I slide a cup of coffee across the island. "French blend with creamer and two teaspoons of sugar" I announce and he grows a huge smile. "You're too good for me" he claims and I roll my eyes. "Sure, if that's what you want to believe" I laugh going back to cooking food. Jon comes in from outside after his morning run and I give him his cup of coffee and he joins Pat at the island. "Morning Jon, how was your run" I ask making everyone's plate. "Good, still warm enough that I can feel my toes" he laughs. "Mary Kateee" Patrick whines and I give him his second cup of coffee and take the empty one. "Thank you" he smiles and I give him a nod, like a well oiled machine. We all eat breakfast and talk about how excited we were that practices started today. "You good now" I ask Patrick as he finally looks awake. "How did I even function before you were here" he asks. "By fighting with me" Jon mumbles and I let out a little laugh. Those two, I swear.

We arrive at the UC and all the memories flood over me. They usually practice at Jonny's but the ice was taken today so we got a treat. "Man I've missed this place" I sigh. We head to locker room and it's filled with familiar faces. There will never be a season like the last one, but that's in the past now and there's still one goal yet to be achieved. "Is that Mary Kate" someone asks and I turn to see my favorite Slovak. "Hossa" I yell and jump into his arms. I've missed everyone but nothing like I missed Big Hoss. "Hey kid, how have you been" he asks. "Good. Better now you're here" I say nudging him. I ask about the family and he tells me how his short summer was. There's not many people I can say are genuinely great people, but he was definitely one of them. "My wife demanded me to invite you to dinner tonight" he informs me. "Count me in" I respond with a smile. I walk around and talk to everyone and finally get to Corey. I haven't messed with him in so long, I have a lot of catching up to do. "How's my favorite goaltender" I ask and he turns around quickly. "MK! Holy shit you look great" he says feeling my arm. "Eh, I work out" I shrug. "So, how was Winnipeg with the Cap" he asks putting on all his pads. "Amazing. Many nights on the lake, more mornings on the ice" I admit. We converse a little while longer until they take the ice as I do too.

Coach Q keeps practice simple as usual. Why change what already works? If it isn't broke don't fix it. Today was a lot of line rushes to see who blends well together and who plays the same style of game. Most of the faces are the same this year but no Bolland or Frolik and Sadd was starting out with us this year too. He had some real talent and was on a line with Jonny and Hossa as the top line. Pretty good for a young guy if you ask me. They looked really great and the first practice of the season was a good one if you ask me.

"So how do you think the team looks" Jonny asks me as we eat lunch at Panera. "I think you guys looked great. It won't be easy but you could repeat this year" I say. "Do you ever have anything bad to say" he asks me with a laugh. I wasn't one to be the pessimist, life's to short to worry about the bad things. "No, because even in the worst of times there's light, sometimes it's harder to see but it's always there" I say and shovel some more of my salad into my mouth. "How can you have such a positive outlook on life when the shittiest thing that could ever happen happened to you. I mean, if that happened to me I would hate the world, yet you wake up every day with the biggest smile on you're face and you are excited to see what the day brings" he wonders in amazement. "No matter where you go in life there is a horizon. Wherever you are, in your perspective the world stops somewhere. And just because you can't see anything beyond the horizon doesn't mean there's nothing there. A lot of things in life can't be seen with the eyes but rather felt with the heart. Like my family, I can't see them but they're the best parts of me, still alive and well. There's so many great things beyond the horizon, and until you remove all the negative things aside and take a step forward you will never know what on the other side. Expand your horizon and I promise you, everything you need will be there. Get rid of the obstructions and things that cause a blur, they aren't going to help you see what you need to. Keep your eyes on the horizon and keep moving, it's amazing where your heart will lead you to" I say looking straight into his eyes. "You never cease to amaze me" he says staring right back at me. "Nice to know" I smirk and we finish our meal in peace.

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