Chapter Twenty-Nine| Faith

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Spending summer back home with Mary Kate was great. I got to show her around and she loved seeing where I grew up and learned how to play. "Make it hard this time" she calls out as I set up a obstacle course for her to complete. She trained harder than anyone I've ever seen. It was crazy but she was actually getting better. I set out stick handling obstacles along with dummies and a block in goal so she only had a few options to shoot. I place a puck at center line and she stops in front of me. "Think you can handle it" I ask as she circles around me. "I think I can but I can show you better than I can tell you" she says stopping behind the puck. "The floor is yours" I announce and she takes off. She easily weaves the puck forehand backhand through the small cones and circles the large one before accelerating and goes to the bars. She flips the puck over one bar and under the other then repeats that the whole way down, it looked like the puck was stuck to her stick. It was amazing. She quickly weaves in and out of the dummies that were close together not giving her room for error and she heads to the net. She pulls the puck back and flicks a wrister top shelf into the puck sized hole. "Insane" I say giving her a high five. "Okay. Lets run that a few more times and we'll be done for today" she says catching her breath. We do a little conditioning and finally pack up after the two hour practice. That doesn't sound bad but when there's only two people there a lot that goes into the practice.

It finally comes for my day with the cup and we start with a kick back in the backyard. My friends come over and take pictures with it and we have a good time with good food. "I'm proud of you son" my dad says patting my back. "Thanks Pop. Wouldn't be here without you" I respond honestly. He's the one who got me into hockey after all, he trained me and supported me through and through. "So kiddo, what do you see in that bright future of yours" he asks as we watch everyone converse. "Got the Olympics coming up soon so hopefully they'll choose me and team Canada can do something great there. Another Stanley cup or two would be nice. Maybe some individual awards will come with it" I shrug. "That's great, but hockey only lasts so long. Well unless you're Jagr... What do you want besides hockey" he asks and I stop walking to think. "I want to marry Mary Kate. I know that once hockey will no longer be there for me, she will. She understands me better than anyone. Always knows how far to push me and what to say to bring me back to reality. I don't remember much about my life before her because she's given me so many memories worth remembering. And I want a million more with her" I admit. Throughout that little speech my dads smirk turns into a full out grin. "I knew I raised you right" he says. "Where's David at? He hasn't met Mary Kate yet" I mention to my dad. As if on cue David comes over to me frantic and out of breath. "Jon, you got to meet this girl" he says pulling me away from my dad. "David, I'm in a serious relationship. We've been over this" I remind him. "I know but you're going to love her" he claims.

I get pulled over to a group of friends to see Mary Kate in the middle and suddenly it all makes sense to me. "Hey David" Mary Kate says with a small wave. "Mary Kate, I would like you to meet my brother, he's really great and I think you guys would really like each other" he says pushing her towards me. "I think you're right, wanna kiss" she asks me with a grin. I dip her backwards and place a kiss on her lips before returning her back up right. I look to see David with his mouth wide open, it was like his eyes were going to pop out his head. "Holy shit I didn't think it would be that easy. But what about your girlfriend" he asks and I shrug. "I don't know, let me ask her what she thinks about this" I say turning to Mary Kate. "Hey honey, can I kiss you" I ask. "I would be upset if you didn't" she scoffs and I kiss her once again. "WAIT A FUCKING SECOND. This is the girl you were telling me about? Oh god that makes so much sense. She really is funny" David says piecing it all together. "You two met already I assume" I ask looking between him and my girlfriend. "David here said he would give 10 dollars to anyone who could shoot a puck at the piñata and break it on the first shot" she says waiving a crisp ten dollar bill in my face. "Nice, but were you blind folded" I ask and she takes a blindfold out her back pocket. Why did I ever doubt her?

Next we took the cup to the community center and let the little kids see the trophy. Names like Gretzky and Hull and Howe were on this thing, it was once lifted over their head and now the kids who dream to be like them some day can do the same thing. I see a little kid by himself in the corner of the ice and I skate over to him. "Hey little man, what's your name" I ask bending over to get to his level. "My name is Joey" he says quietly. Even when I was his age I've been drawn to kids like him because I know there's a whole another level waiting to be released if they would let go. "How old are you Joey" I ask. "I'm seven" he says and I nod. "Wanna know a secret" I ask and his eyes light up as he nods. "I think you can be a really good hockey player" I whisper and he lets out a gasp. "Really" he asks and I smile. "Absolutely. What position do you play" I wonder. "Center" he responds. He's not entirely big for a seven year old but he would do fine. I run a few drills with him and he does exceptional. "When it comes to hockey, what are you most afraid of" I ask and he taps his chin. "I'm afraid to fall in front of everyone" he says. "Can I tell you another secret" I ask and he nods. "It's not about whether you fall, it's about whether you get back up" I inform him and he lets what I say sink in. "So it's okay to fail" he asks. "Absolutely. Because if you fail it means you tried, and it's better to have tried and failed then never to have tried at all. That's how you get better" I tell him. I take him to the cup and help him hold it over his head as his parents take a picture. "Thanks so much for talking to him. It's all he's going to talk about for the next year" his mom says. "It's my pleasure. You're son has a chance to be really good. Once he breaks out he'll never look back" I say and she smiles.

The last place we stop off is the children's hospital and Mary Kate and I visit some of the kids. "Hi sweetie, what's your name" Mark Kate asks a little girl with a Hawks bandana on. "I'm Presley" she says in the sweetest voice and I could feel my heart breaking. "Hi Presley, I'm Mary Kate and this is Jonathan" she says pointing to me. "I know, I'm a big fan of you guys" she says and Mary Kate was taken aback. "A fan of me" she asks and the girl nods. "Well yeah, every girl who wants to play hockey knows who you are" she say and Mary Kate looks to me for clarification but I just shrug. I wasn't a little girl, but it I was I would look up to her. She talks with the girl and it makes you forget that she's really sick. These couple hours away from reality, giving them something to look forward too, I'm so happy I can bring this to them. "Can I braid your hair" Presley asks Mary Kate and she easily agrees.

As the day goes on I realize that this cup was more than just a trophy with a bunch of names on it. It is the history overcoming huge obstacles much like these kids. It's one thing to win the cup, but a whole different thing to share its rich history and hope with people who need it. It sucks that I can't cure these kids, if I could I would give anything to do it. But until I figure out how to do that I will continue bringing them a little bit of light and hope. "All finished" Presley announces as Mary Kate shows off her hair. It was in a long braid with flowers in it. It actually looked really good. We say good bye to the kids and the cup is sent away to whoever got the cup second and we headed back to my childhood home.

"If I have a little girl I want to name her Faith" Mary Kate announces as we sit on in the couch together. "Why" I wonder. Usually she's the one with the questions but we like to switch it up ever once in a while. "Ever since I was a little girl I had these crazy dreams about what my life would be like. And when I was in the accident I didn't have much faith in pretty much everything. All those dreams were turned into nightmares because I was told I wasn't going to be able to reach them. But I finally stopped listening to everyone and instead listened to my heart. Faith isn't materialized, or something you can touch or see, but it's so important when you dream. Now that I'm dreaming again I have a lot to believe in. And I believe in faith" she says looking at me. "I love the name, and I hope it's our daughter who gets it" I admit. The name was pretty, but the meaning was beautiful.

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