Chapter Thirty-Four| Sochi

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Mary Kate

On New Years we all drove up to Michigan for the winter classic where Vanessa and I were announced to the woman's US team and I was given the honor to wear the A on my chest. The next time I would see my team is at the Olympics which was just a week away. Jonathan was announced to the Canadian team and he would be wearing the A too. Patrick was announced to the USA team and suddenly our house was filled with Olympians. We were all packed up and excited to head to the Olympic village. "You know, I'm gonna miss this place and the Hawks" Jonny comments as we pass the UC on the way to the airport. "They're gonna be fine, Jon. Other teams are going to be missing their big guys too" I remind him. "Yeah, but we're missing our top two defenseman and our top four forwards" he sighs. "Corey won't let them get too bad, you know it" I respond and he lets out a laugh. "Now I feel like I won't have a team to come back to" he jokes. "They'll be fine, I promise" I reply patting his knee and he nods.

After long traveling hours and having to listen to Pat and Jon bicker we finally make it to the Olympic village in Russia. "This is awesome" I yell skipping around earning a few stares. I never thought I would be able to be here so I was quite excited. "Alright Ice Queen, calm down" Patrick says messing with my hair. We walk around and I see so many of the worlds greats, it seemed like a dream. "Is this real life, am I really here" I think out loud. "Yes, and you deserve to be here" Jon says lacing his fingers through mine. "Bold move there Canada, you're not scared to be seen with the enemy" I joke. "If all my enemies were this pretty I would have been in a lot more serious relationships" he laugh as he swings our arms. We walk around for a while and take in the scenery. We lost Pat and Vanessa along the way somewhere.

"Jon is that you" a voice says and we turn around to see Sidney Crosby standing there. "And is that Mary Kate" he asks in a more questioning tone and I nod. "Wow, haven't seen you guys since the lockout. How have you been" he asks giving us hugs. "We've been good, busy but good" Jon says. "Oh, congrats on winning the cup. Your team did great" Sid says with a smile. "Thanks man, look forward to playing against you at Solider Field. Until then I guess were on the same side" Jon states. "I guess so. And you, you never told me you played hockey" he says turning his attention to me. "I didn't at the time, I guess I had a change of heart" I say glancing over at Jon. "Yeah, and the number" he asks. "Don't get cocky" I say and he throws his hands up. "Thats the number of days I was in the hospital after the accident when I played up at the University of Wisconsin" I clarify and his eyes bulge. "Wait... you're THE Mary Kate Fletcher" he asks finally connecting the dots. "The one and only" I laugh. "How did I miss that" he laughs and I shrug. Most people do, it was kind of a long time ago. "So... you and Jon huh" he asks and Jon wraps his arm around me. "Yeah, me and Jon" I say running my shoulder into him. "I think he talked more about you than the lockout at those meetings" he says as Jon turns bright red. We talk for a little while longer until he had to go. "So who are you in a room with" I wonder. "Ummm Jamie Benn" he says. "That's cool, I hear he's a real nice guy" I respond. "Well he is Canadian" Jon reminds me. "Right, what on earth was I thinking" I joke.

The build up games go well for our team. We do good enough that we sit out the quarter finals and just jump in the semi finals. The boys competition didn't start until our gold medal game ended so Jonny has been able to go to the games between practices. "Hey babe" Jonny calls out walking into the locker room before the semi final game. "How did you get back here" I laugh. "I'm kinda big around here" he claims brushing off his shoulder. "Yeah... okay" I scoff. "I'm not half as popular around here as you are" he mentions sitting next to me. "Is that's so" I ask putting on my pads and jersey. "Yeah, people love watching you play. You're making them talk" he says nudging me. "Okay sure, I'm still not going to take it easy on Canada if we make it" I joke. "Not even a little" he says with puppy dog eyes. "Those would work any other time but this is the Olympics and this is my country" I reply.

Semi finals pass in a flash and we beat Finland 6-1. I myself has a hat trick and two assists so I was feeling good. "Great game ladies" Meghan cheers as we walk off the ice. "That pass was insaneeee" I say dramatically as Hillary sits next to me. "Says the one who finished it like only the great one could" she says and I roll my eyes. After aggressively exchanging compliments we call it quits and hit the shower.

"So it'll be the US and Canada in the gold medal game" Patrick informs Vanessa and I at dinner. "Am I supposed to be scared" I ask and he shrugs. "Okay guys... still here" Jonny says waving his hands around. "Right, sorry. Lets talk about how amazing this place is. I may never go back" I say only half joking. Don't get me wrong, I love Chicago but there's a whole world out there for me to see, there's something in me that realizes there's more out there than I know and I need to see it. I'll always come back to Chicago but old habits die hard and I've felt like I've overstated my welcome. "You can't leave us, the Hawks need you" Patrick claims. "A bunch of twenty some professional athletes don't need me" I scoff. "Wait... are you really thinking about leaving" Jonny asks. He looked hurt, this is why I should have never said anything. "I can't lie to you guys. I love my life in Chicago, but there's so much I still want, no. Need to do. You guys are my family and the thought of losing you... I'm terrified to be honest. I never wanted to leave you Jon, but everything good I know of has a bad ending and I don't want that to be us. Chicago is my home now and I don't want to leave but as history has it... " I whisper. "I can't believe you" he says harshly before getting up from the table before I could finish explaining myself. It sounded bad when I put it that way. "Jon wait" I say chasing after him and grabbing his hand before he yanks it out of my grasp. "I really love you Mary Kate, more than I have loved anything or anybody before. And I opened my home and my heart to you and for what? For you to plan on leaving me the whole time" he whispers as a tear falls. "Jon that's not what I meant" I beg. "Goodbye... Mary Kate". And with that he was gone.

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