Chapter Twenty-Six| Parade

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Mary Kate

I slip on a red Blackhawks tank and blue jean shorts before tying my hair up and jumping into my favorite white slides. After fixing my long hair and touching up my natural looking makeup I skip down stairs and grab myself a bottle of water. "You ready" Jonathan asks me. "Sir yes sir" I respond with a salute and he rolls his eyes. "You're so quirky" he laughs. "I can stop if you want" I joke and he shakes his head. "Never change" he says and I nod. I liked that answer.

The parade goes by quickly and it is all a blur. There were so many people. I mean everywhere you look it's a sea of red at every corner. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and dreamed up of things like this. I was pretty well known in my little town and when it came to hockey I always dreamt up of scenarios such as this one that I could be a part of. Hockey is worshiped up there but to many people's surprise there's no pro hockey team. We just keep rooting for the Packers to do all the heavy lifting as far as professional sports go. Instead I had to grow up watching Blackhawks hockey but until 2010 there wasn't much to cheer for. Now I sit on a bus with some of the best players in the world as another girl takes over my dreams of these moments. I was enticed to enjoy this because as the boys got the rest of summer off I was training for the Olympics. But until then I was going to enjoy it.

Corey Crawford quickly became one of my favorite people in the world after his speech. I wasn't sure if it was the beer or adrenaline but he gave a speech that would even give MLK a run for his money, everyone here ate that up. Patrick gives him the belt and a bunch of guys gives a speech. Not many people had voices left but they still tried.

Locker clean out was hard. You never know who wouldn't be coming back or when the next time you'll see someone. I'm sure at this time last year no one expected a lockout and for it to last so long, so I was making sure to soak in all the love from these guys before they're gone. "Where's Ashley" I ask and Hossa raises his hand. They started calling us Mary Kate and Ashley because we were always joking around. I loved Hossa and his family and since he was signed till forever I knew he would be back. But the guy is a living legend and I was going to miss him. He pulls me into a bone crushing hug and I try not to cry. He was a father figure to me this season, always looked after me and asked how I was. "Don't miss me too much" I joke and he lets go. "You have my number, if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to call" he says in his thick accent and I nod. Everyone cleans out their lockers and I head home with an extremely intoxicated Patrick and Jonny with a full heart.

Patrick was still very tipsy and hauling ass around the apartment. Jon disappeared into his room an hour ago and I decide it was time for Patrick to go to bed then I would join Jon. "When are you guys leaving me to go to Winnipeg" Pats asks me and I raise my eyebrow. I wasn't aware about going to Canada any time soon. I decide to take advantage of drunk Patrick and get to the bottom of this on my own. "When did Jonny tell you we will be leaving for Winnipeg" I ask. "In two days, but I can't really remember which day today is. So it might me tomorrow... not sure" he says trying to remember. "Oh really, and when are we getting back" I wonder. "A month or two. And I'm not allowed to have girls over while Jonny and Mary Kate are gone" he says assuredly. "Anything else I should know" I ask and he scratches his beard. "Yeah... you can't tell Mary Kate. Jonny boy hasn't told her yet" he says in a whispered tone. "I wouldn't dream of it. Now lets get you to bed" I say pushing him into his room. "Oooh are we gonna have fun" he asks as I throw him onto the bed. "I love you Pat, but never in a million years" I say as he sticks out his bottom lip. "But you're so pretty" he complains. "And you're drunk. And Jonny's best friend" I remind him bringing a trash can by his bed. "Oh yeah, man Jonny is a great friend. You should meet his girlfriend, she's fucking great you'll love her" he states. I place a glass of water and pills by his night stand and tuck him in. "Good night Pat" I say and he mumbles a night before nodding off.

I find Jonny packing bags and lean against the door frame with my arms crossed. "I just had a really interesting conversation with Patrick" I start and he freezes. "Did you now" he asks and I nod. "Yeah, but I'm going to give you this small amount of time to tell me anything you think I should know" I warn. "I told my parents we would be go up to Manitoba until my day with the cup and I panicked because I knew you wanted to train but my parents really wanted you to come with and I didn't know how to ask you but I told Patrick which is obviously a shitty idea but we're supposed to leave tomorrow and I don't want you to be mad please don't be mad" he says quickly and I try to take it all in. "Are you mad" he asks giving me puppy dog eyes, he's good. "Depends, is there space I can train up there" I wonder. "I have a whole training facility dedicated to me" he laughs. "Then no, I'm not mad or upset or anything of the sort. It's not like I have any ties in Chicago anyway. I would love to come to Manitoba with you" I admit and he lets out a sigh. "Why are you the best girlfriend ever" he asks. "Because I got the best man"

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