Chapter Thirty-Five| Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Mary Kate

"What did I do" I ask as I watch Jonathan storm out into the village. "Hey, are you okay" Vanessa asks running up beside me. "What did I just do" I repeat as the tears start to come. I never meant to hurt him. "Mary kate" Vanessa yells snapping her fingers in front of me. This was honestly the worst I've felt in a really long time. "So you're really going to leave" Patrick asks softly. "At first going to Chicago was a opportunity for me to grow as a person. My intention wasn't to stay at your place, I wasn't some moocher and had more than enough money to support myself. But I fell for Jonathan and the Hawks and would be insane to walk away from you guys. I haven't thought about leaving since I've stepped a foot off the plane" I admit. "So why did you say those things" he asks. "Because Patrick, I'm terrified. Terrified of something like this would happen and I would much rather get out before it's ripped away from me. But this time I was going to fight. I can't let another family slip through my fingers... but now he's gone" I sob. When I look up Patrick was gone and Vanessa was helping me to my room.


I get to my room and slam the door shut as hard as I could. I wasn't even sure how I got here, but here I am. I knew Jamie was out with family tonight so he wouldn't be around. I sit on my bed and try and figure out what was going on and what to do. There's a knock on the door and I get it even though I really didn't want to. "We need to talk" Patrick claims as he burst into my room. "I'm really tired of talking right about now" I say dryly. "Right... so I'm going to talk and you're going to listen" he says and I cross my arms. "Remember when I said I would hurt you if you hurt her? Well I really want to fucking punch you in the face right now" he says. "Might telling me what I did wrong exactly? Because last time I check she's the one still considering leaving me" I remind him. "That's the thing Jonny. She wasn't saying she wants to leave you, she was saying she is supposed to leave you. But she's staying to fight for any bit of happiness she can get her hands on while you leave at the first sign of hearing something isn't the way you want it to be" he yells. "What do you mean she's not leaving" I ask. "Don't you see. She's made it so that she leaves before she becomes attached to something and it gets ripped away from her. In her mind she isn't supposed to feel the way you make her feel. She feels like she shouldn't be alive more times than not, and every other second she is trying to run from her past. She's scared Jon, she's made things so that she wouldn't get hurt but she's finally let go. She's settled down and has done everything that has frightened her for so many years because of you. If you would have let her finish you would know that" he says pushing my chest as I fall onto the bed. "Oh god" I groan throwing my face in my hands. What did I just do? "Oh god is right. I get you always say you're not good at relationships or whatever, but you can't do that to her. She's trying so hard to move on and you just knocked her ten steps back" he says. "Are you trying to make me feel like complete shit, because it's working" I snap. "Jonny you're my best friend, I'm not here to make you feel bad. I'm here to make you fight for the one person who would do anything to put a smile on your face. I've known you for a while now and I've seen the way this girl has changed you. I get you're upset and there was misunderstanding but running away from the problem doesn't fix it. Mary Kate knows that better than anyone" he says softly. "What I do" I ask looking into his eyes. "Sitting here talking to me is not the answer. She needs to know that she isn't fighting for nothing. That you two will stand the tests of time and that you with fight with her" he says patting my back. "Since when were you so intelligent" I joke. "Since you brought a girl home. Her way of life is contagious" he shrugs. Now it was up to me to make things right again.

Mary Kate

Vanessa went out with the team and is covering for me. To them I'm just resting for the gold medal game, even though I was sheltered under my blankets in my room crying. There's a knock on the door but I don't budge. I hear the key thing click and the door opens. "Go away" I mumble into my pillow. "I'm sorry Ms. Fletcher but I can't do that" a deep voice say and my breath hitches. I feel the bed dip and he tugs at my sheet. "Please talk to me" Jon begs. "I'm scared" I whisper. I don't want thing to get worse than they already are. I don't want to say something wrong again. "That's fine but can you promise me that you'll listen" he asks softly. "I always listen when you talk" I admit. "Okay. I guess I should start by saying that I'm really am truly sorry. I panicked at the thought of you leaving and I kinda freaked. It's just... I'm usually good at suppressing with my emotions but with you I can't control them. You make me feel crazy sometimes, not even playing in the Olympics makes me as nervous as you at times. I don't want to imagine a life without you now that I have you. I can't lose you Mary Kate, I just cant" he says with a sigh. I remove the blanket from on top of me and see that he had been crying to. "I hope you know that I never wanted to leave you" I say quietly. "I know that now. I get what you were saying, that it's hard for you to stay but it would be harder to to leave so that's why you've stayed. But I couldn't imagine going back to Chicago without you" he says rubbing my thigh. "They say home is where the heart is, and for the longest time my heart wasn't anywhere. Now my heart is in Chicago with the boys and you. I could never leave" I remind him. "Are we good now" he asks and I nod. "Yeah... were good" I smile and he smiles too. "Good, because I thought I was going to have to drink these by myself" he says bringing out two hot chocolates. He knew that was my favorite. "You drive a hard bargain Mr. Toews" I joke taking the cup. "Only for you Ms. Fletcher" he laughs.

Of course the woman's gold medal game between the US and Canada would go into over time. Both teams were playing their hearts out and no one was budging much. "Next shift give it your all. Every last bit. Win board battles and keep the puck cycling throughout the offensive zone" I say to Meghan and Hillary. We jump the boards and Vanessa carries the puck into Canada's zone. I go to the net while Hillary and Megan go to the wings. Our defense keeps the puck moving and Vanessa passes the puck to Meghan. I rush hard to the net and Meghan lands a pass right on my tape. I feel my feet get taken out from under me and try to get a shot off. I hear the clink of the puck hitting the bar but couldn't see if it went in because before I knew it I was sent into the boards head first and it all turned black.

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