Chapter Forty-Six| Fletcher Family Foundation

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Mary Kate

As the holidays go by I enjoy the break we have but it's back to business as usual soon enough. But before we get back to the roughness and toughness that is professional hockey I had a announcement to make. The Blackhawks were holding a press conference for me and Jon was the only one who knew about the charity and all that. The Blackhawks were excited to get this thing started and so was I.

Stan is the first to step up to say a few works about the Hawks charities. He took a lot of pride in what this organization has done for the community around here as he should be. The Blackhawks are a first class organization, they treat the players, workers, and fans with the upmost respect and has given so much to this community. Next Jonny decided to talk and I wasn't really sure if that was the best idea. His locker room speeches have "fuck" and "shit" laced through nearly every sentence and this wasn't rehearsed. "Hey guys, I'm here to announce by far the coolest girl I have ever met, sorry mom. She also happens to be one of my coaches and a Olympic hero. Oh yeah, she's my fiancé too. Please welcome Ms. Mary Kate Fletcher to the stage" he announces. I walk up and look at the small crowd of reporters and the team who wanted to come, which is all of them from what I could tell. "Hey guys, as Jonathan said I'm Mary Kate, and for the record I want everyone to know that Andrée is way cooler than me" I start earning a few laughs. "I'm here to announce the beginning of the Fletcher Family Foundation. Many of you know that my path to the Olympics was a unlikely one. A little more than four years before I was in a accident that killed everyone in my family except for me, and I wasn't left with anything truly valuable to my life. Sure I had money but it was the priceless things my heart desires. After I finally woke up from the crash I was paralyzed and all alone. I was told I couldn't play hockey and I would be lucky if I could walk again. Everything I cherished and worked for the first 19 years of my life was now gone. But eventually I remembered that my daddy didn't raise a quitter. So I started to fight and I'm so glad I did. Because I had such a great team working with me who was always positive and worked as hard as I did I was able to chase my dreams. This charity will be raising money to build recovery centers in the Chicago area and around Illinois that will take in athletes who have been hurt and need either physical or mental help to get back to what they love. It is also for players who used to play but can't anymore because of an injury. Sports are hard not just because it takes a lot of physical power but because sometimes the athletes biggest obstruction is themselves. I know if it weren't for the amazing people I've met throughout my life that I would have never gotten back on the ice. And no matter the risk I know that when my skates hit the ice I have no regrets because I belong out there. I want to help people keep sight of theirs dreams and have a chance to go after them the same way I did. Every athlete deserves a chance to be the best they could be. This foundation is for the people like me, who constantly dream even when they're awake. Thanks for listening" I finish and people start clapping. I take a few questions before calling it quits and walking off stage.

I go to lunch with some of the boys and find myself sitting between Patrick and Jonny per the usual. We enjoy some Portillos and each other's company. "So Vanessa is moving down here at the end of this semester" Patrick tells me. "Really? That's great" I say nudging him. I wanted them to work out so bad, it doesn't seem like they would be good together but they're actually great. "Yeah, and I think we're going to get a apartment together" he says and I stop eating. Patrick was like a older brother to me. We tease each other and I annoy him and he annoys me but at the end of the day we love each other. I can't imagine living without him. "Well I'm going to miss you. Not you're stinky laundry I somehow end up doing but everything else" I joke. "I'm gonna miss you too. I think we're going to have to keep up with karaoke night" he says with a smile. "Of course, you're always welcomed wherever I am" I assure him. "Thanks MK. I'm glad I've gotten to live with you. I've learned a lot" he admits. "And I'm glad I've gotten to know the real you, the guy who cries watching Tangled and is a diva when you put even one extra teaspoon of sugar in his coffee" I laugh knocking into his shoulder. "I wasn't crying... there was something in my eye" he claims as some of the boys start to snicker. "Yeah Pat, they're called tears" I say. He puts my head under his arm and messes with my hair until I pinch his side and he lets me go. Once we stop with the laughing fit we both take in a deep breath. "I'm really going to miss you" he says as I fix my hair. "Me too Pat, me too".

We fly out to Washington a few days before the game so they can get ready to play in the Winter classic on New Years. "Can you believe this is the third New Years we've spent together" Jon asks me as we get settled in the hotel room. "And all three years we've been somewhere different" I realize. Snow covered Washington as I look outside the window of the hotel, sure was pretty. I feel Jons arms snake around me as I lean my head on his chest. "What are we going to do when Pat leaves" I ask. "We can get a place of our own. No need to have a bachelor pad when both Patrick and I are happily taken" he laughs. "Where did you have in mind. You know Chicago a lot better than I do" I admit. "We can take a look when we get home. Until then let's enjoy yet another outdoor game" he says spinning me around and into his arms. "Are your parents coming to the family skate tomorrow" I wonder. "No, but they'll be in for the game" he assures me and I nod. I wear both of my lockets now and I love them both. We end up going to bed early because we were both extremely tired. But tomorrow would be a good day.

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