Chapter Two| NHLPA

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The NHLPA decided to meet up in NYC for a meeting to try and finish things off. We had come to a... weak agreement... over the phone and needed to talk things over in person so it can officially be over. Many of the big names in hockey would be there, Sidney Crosby, Zach Parise, Steven Stamkos and many more who stayed in the states to negotiate. I walk into a conference room up high in a hotel in downtown NYC that we were directed to and only see a woman standing in the back. She was facing the window reading over something in a notebook, tapping her pen in the clipboard. She stood no taller than 5'11 at the most with the heels and had light brown hair that was set in waves that reached her all the way down to her butt. She had a stunning figure that was complimented by a fitted business suit, her legs looking a mile long and her waist toned. Instantly I feel my palms become moist and my heart starts to beat faster and louder. As I get closer I get increasingly nervous and just hope I don't make a fool out of myself.

"Umm, am I in the wrong room" I ask with a stutter as she looks up from her book. I feel my breath hitch as her crystal blue eyes meet my brown ones, she flashes a smile showing a dimple on her right cheek as she sets her things down. "Depends, if you're here for the NHLPA meeting then you're in the right place. If you're here for Gary Bettman's head on a platter I'm sorry to tell you that this is not the place" she laughs gracefully making her way over to me. She had a sense of humor, I like it. I study her every move as she gets closer, by now I'm sure she could hear my heart beating as my breathing gets heavier. I don't respond because quite honestly I was breathless at this point. I've never felt like this around a girl. Something about her was driving me crazy and the minute I've been here has felt like hours and I've barley even spoken to her. As she gets closer I see that she had light freckles across her nose and amazing complexion. Kind of a weird thing to notice but it meant she was healthy which is important to me. She wasn't wearing any make up but she really didn't need to. It took everything in me not to kiss her soft looking pink lips and run out of the room with her in my arms.

"My name is Mary Kate Fletcher, I'll be helping the players wrap things up and getting you back on the ice as soon as possible" she says sticking her hand out for me to shake. I wipe the sweat off my palms before taking her hand in mine and notice how nice it fits. She had a strong shake yet soft hands. "I'm Jonathan Toews" I say letting her hand go before I tried lacing my fingers through hers. "I know who you are, Mr. Toews" she says kindly. "Do you now" I smirk and she nods her head assuredly. "You are the third youngest captain ever and seen as the best leader in all of hockey, you hold the record for longest playoff point streak in Blackhawks history, you're the youngest member of the triple gold club, oh, and you are very serious" she says over dramatically causing me to smile. "You got jokes" I laugh as she nods pretty proud of herself. She was so confident and outgoing, there's nothing I wanted more than to know everything there is about her. I can't explain it, there's just something about her...

We end up talking for a while since I was really early and I can physically feel myself falling for her. Maybe it's the way she laughs that beautiful laugh at just the right moments or how she makes eye contact when I'm talking so I know she's listening. "So, you're into hockey huh" I ask from beside her. "You could say that" she says with a smirk and I feel my chest tighten. She was really making me work for this wasn't she? I was comfortable enough that my stutter went away but not enough for my skin to stop tingling every time she spoke. "How did you get into hockey" I ask. "I played from the age of 5 up until college. Once I got into college I took a... different path while still staying true to where my heart is" she replies easily. She seemed so down to earth and things seemed so simple with her. "So what are you doing here, exactly" I wonder. "I graduated at the top of my class in business management, the NHL picked me up to see if I could get something going here and I happily took the challenge" she explains. I was about to respond but the door opens and a bunch of hockey players in suits file in. I was happy to get things started but would love more time with just me and her.

I watch as Mary Kate introduces herself to everyone and her bright personality really lit up she room. "She's something else, isn't she" someone says catching me in my stare. I turn to see the one and only Sidney Crosby with that famous smile of his plaster on his face. "What's up man" I ask giving him a hug. Despite popular belief there's no hard feelings between us. Off the ice at least. "I'm just ready to get this over with" he laughs and I nod my head. "Yeah Sid, me too".

The meeting ends and I was feeling good about the negotiations. We got something that I think Bettman can't get around and we could be playing hockey as soon as the second week of January. I wait for everyone to leave until it was just Mary Kate and I. I watch as she collects her notes and places them in a bag, she was brilliant throughout the meeting and I was impressed she can handle a bunch of hockey players. I know it was a long shot but I wanted to get to know her better before I had to leave. "Hey Mary Kate, can I ask you a question" I say slowly, twirling my thumbs. You can say she was a little intimidating. I think confidence is attractive, and she was oozing it. "Of course. What can I help you with Mr. Toews" she says putting her notes together. "Well, tomorrow night is New Years, I was wondering if you wanted to go see the ball drop in the park with me" I ask softly. She grows a smile and innocently tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Ummm yeah. That sounds pretty nice" she says and I feel the heat rise in my cheeks. "Awesome, how about we meet here about 7 tomorrow and walk over" I ask and she nods. "Sound like a plan" she replies and I smile. I have no clue what I'm doing but all I know is that I want to do it with her.

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