Chapter Five| NYC ✈️ Chi

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I happily pack my bags up and look for the first flight back to Chicago. The lockout was finally over and we were taking no time getting back into the swing of things. First game is in a little over a week and it still feels like forever away. I couldn't wait to see the boys and everyone to be back on the same ice. I was about to purchase my ticket when I felt the need to stop for a second and think. Maybe I should get two and bring Mary Kate with me. She is the only reason we even get to play again and I know we have a place for someone like her in our organization. Her bright personality and unique intel can serve us some good considering we'll have only 48 games to make things happen we can use all the help we can get. It was kind of weird to bring home a girl I've known for just a week. But she wasn't just some girl, she was special. Before I make any rash decisions I give Patrick a call to give him the good news.

"What's up buddy" he chirps happily through the phone. "Good news.... you're coming home. We're getting the band back together" I joke and I hear him screech. "You're fucking with me" he says and I laugh. "In the matter of fact I'm not" I answer as he continues his celebrations. "There is one more thing though" I trail off and he gets silent. "Oh god is Bettman making us play naked now or something" he asks. "No... what the hell is wrong with you? Anyway, there's a girl" I start and I can physically feel him jumping to conclusions. "Is she hot" he asks and I roll my eyes. "Extremely, but that's not the point. She's the one who got the deal done but she doesn't have a job so I was going to bring her back with me to work with the Hawks. But she would have to stay with us for a little" I say and wait for a answer. "You act like I would say no. I love people. So are you two like a thing or something" he asks and I let out a sigh. "I don't know. You know I'm not good with relationships" I say going back to my laptop to purchase my tickets. We talk for a little while longer before he had to get packed to come home.

I hear a knock on the door and get up to get it. I open the door and Mary Kate stood there with a huge smile on her face, she was practically glowing with little flakes of snow melting on her tiny frame. "Hi" I say causing her to giggle. "Hi" she responds happily then it falls silent. "Hi" I say again and this time we both laugh. "You uh, you left your jacket in the meeting room yesterday and I wanted to return it" she says handing me my coat. "I was wondering where that went" I state taking the jacket back. I knew where it was, I was hoping she would return it so I could see her again. I already missed her and it had only been a day. "So you heading back to the Windy City now" she asks rubbing her arms. "Yeah I am. Did you want to come in for a second" I ask. "Ummm, sure why not" she says stepping into my warm room letting out a sigh when the heat meets her. "Thanks for helping us. We really appreciate it" I say as we sit on the coach. "It was my pleasure, I would give anything to see you guys back out there" she says nodding her head. She sure was passionate about hockey, I love it. "So I have an extra ticket to Chicago, it's yours if you want it. And Patrick says you're more than welcome to stay with us. He's a little messy but I keep it under control" I inform her. "I don't know, you obviously have a lot going on. I don't want to intrude" she says shyly. "It's no problem, really. Plus I think we work pretty well together" I say causing her to blush. "I'm always up for a new challenge, I guess I'm in" she shrugs.

"So, on a scale of one to Canada just beat Russia in the Olympic finals, how excited are you to be back with the team soon" Mary Kate asks as we get settled on the plane. I laugh because that was such a funny way of asking a simple question, but I love that she's putting so much effort into our conversation. "There are no words. I miss the game and I miss the boys too" I admit. "Tell me about your team, something the only the great Jonathan Toews would know" she asks. "During practice I sometimes feel like Sharpie actually wants to kill me. I know he's just joking but he's really convincing sometimes. Shaw is so confusing because I want to choke him but I also want to hug him. And Bolly is a big softy. Don't let him fool you" I laugh and she nods. I can tell she was listening because the only time she took her eyes off me was when she blinked. She cared not about who I am but what I was saying. It was nice. We spend the whole flight talking about the team and the UC. She would ask funny or unusual questions and I would do my best to answer. Eventually we land and it was off to my place.

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